Special Extra Chapter

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Hello everyone, I got request to update this in my mini poll, and over the pretty hectic weekend  I've had with finishing up moving and babysitting my adorable nieces!  An idea struck whilst  we were  watching a movie on Sunday, please let me know what you think ❤️❤️

Fast forward 6 years!
The sound of giggles and patter of multiple claws scurrying across hardwood floor wake him, Baekhyun snuggles deeper in to the hot hard naked chest he is using as a pillow. He knows if he opens his eyes he won't be able to get back to sleep, but the sound of soft giggles which sound just outside the bedroom door cannot be ignored. Typically the man under him has not even budged, blindly reaching out he finds his phone which reads it's just after five thirty in the morning! Dropping his phone somewhere in the darkness, he burrows closer in to Chanyeol's chest and groans, it's followed by a "what's a matter?" "Our son is awake," "before sunrise he's your son!"

At that statement Baekhyun wakes fully and lifts his head off his lovable giant with a frown. "We have watched that film too many times." Baekhyun almost yelps when he is pulled back against his husband's still impressive six pack, not too upset that he doesn't miss the opportunity to snuggle back in. "Our little Prince actually asked me if he could have a lion cub  for a birthday present, I didn't have the heart to say the only one he could have would be stuffed!"  Baekhyun kiss the chest he is resting on, "thank the lord for the Disney store." "Sweetheart how is our little Prince is growing up fast! Pretty soon he's going to be asking for a car for his birthday!"

Just as he is about to whine about how he has no idea when their little Prince started to grow up, or how he has managed to start sassing just like his godfather! They have just enough time to pull apart when the  bedroom door is slammed opened to the tune of an excitable soon to be six year old screeching "papa" at the top of his lungs! Baekhyun has never been more grateful for the decision they made to wear pyjama bottoms to bed now! Seconds later he has a lap full of Spider-Man clad black haired boy "good morning little Prince" his heart melting at the sight of his son giggling as Toben launches straight for Chanyeol's crotch, "I let Toby out papa he missed you and daddy!" "I think he misses daddy more my little monster, Milo moo it's still dark out" "Uncke Dae said I could see Uncke Seok and and we can watch simba together and have pancakes!"

Chanyeol lets out a groan, of course it would Jongdae who promised his son more lion king and extra sugar in his diet. It's probably payback for trying to out drink Minseok on their last boys night with Sehun and Kai. None of them wanted to face the surprising wrath of their respective partners, it was Minseok that lost their silly attendance game, bringing the wrath of their beloved troll with it. A whine beside him stop his trip down memory lane, "but but Papa I wants to go now." "I know Milo moo but Uncle Dae will be sleeping, you remember what i said that when it dark it means we sleep as it's when the sun sleeps." Chanyeol will never get bored of watching his ever patient husband talk to their son, how effortlessly he soothes every tantrum, how every milestone Milo reaches Baekhyun is there either holding his hand or cheering on the sidelines.

Milo truly has changed their life for the better, yes they have the careers, and more money then can spend, but this moment where his husband and their son have matching wild bed hair money just can't buy. Aware he will be in more then one dog house with his next statement, Chanyeol leans over and gently rubs his hand through thick black curls. "Ok little price what do you say to banana oatmeal pancakes now and when your done we can call Uncle Dae"

Chanyeol laughs along with Baekhyun as their son eyes light up before he scrambles off the bed, a black ball of fur following. He shares a look with Beakhyun who leans in too kiss him softly before he too launches off the bed shouting that "the last one to the kitchen washes up!" Shaking his head at his husband poor attempt at distraction he jumps  out of  the bed and races through the kitchen all to the sound of happy laughter filling their once void of any happiness penthouse.

Just a little something extra i hope you all like it, I apologise for any missed errors.

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