The Nursey

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Hello everyone thanks for reading this collection, this one again is more Chanyeol and Baekhyun and based before they get their little prince

A silver haired man taps his foot impatiently, it would just be his luck that the lift breaks down with him in it, and it would just be icing on the cake today! "Come on, come on," he whispers to himself, his mind is telling him to be apprehensive about getting to the penthouse. His mind is telling him to be cautious, especially after receiving an SOS text from Jongdae, Baekhyun's best friend! He knows something is up, the alarm bells started  ringing a week ago, when he came home to find  the troublesome duo giggling in their kitchen over a bottle of soju.

Chnayeol can feel the smile on his face get wider at the memory at such blissful news, 8 weeks ago they finally got picked to be parents! He thanks god for receiving such precious news, he was starting to really worried about Baekhyun, the light of his life! For 12 months before getting their news, he had watches grief stricken as Baekhyun had slowly become a shell of the vibrant and headstrong man he fell in love with. His precious heart had been on a downward spiral, consumed by self depression before he revealed magical news. That news making his first unofficial father's day, the second best day of his life. It took a few weeks to sink in that they were finally getting their baby, they  both agreed that they wouldn't buy any baby necessities until it was 100% confirmed! That confirmation happened a couple days ago, in four weeks they will be holding  their precious prince in their arms! The ding that announces the lift has finally stopped snaps him out of his daydream, stepping out of  the lift, Chanyeol heads to his front door, a deep sadness washing over him when he finds his penthouse devoid of light and laughter.

"Guys quick, the bellman just sent a message Chanyeol is here already!" Baekhyun quickly goes to grab the last empty bits of plastic littered all over the nursery, He winces when his hand is slapped away! "Are you surprised, Chennie here sent an a sos about 20 minutes ago!" Baekhyun can't help but smile at the collective groans, he giggles when he suddenly hears Jongdae's famous whine and turns just in time to see Soo pinch Chen's arm! Baekhun  can only smile when Suho their unofficial mother hen, sighs and says "guys focus!" It's rather funny watching as the group of 7 grown men suddenly stand to attention, as Suho barks out orders to hide the rubbish, turn off the lights before they all hide in the nursery.

Baekhyun takes a minute to survey the room, soft plush grey carpet has replaced the hardwood floor, a beautiful rocking bassinet sits in the middle, the wall that was once lined with records and books has been painted in a lighter colour and now houses a mixture of custom made chenille grey animals. Its  beautiful their little princes nursery is all finished, complete with Mama Parks antique rocker. Baekhyun does feel a tiny bit guilty that he's has done the nursery behind his gentle giants back, thankful that Yixing and Minseok suggested he get an idea of what Chanyeol wanted, which consisted of wanting the antique rocker from his mum and lots of soft blues. Suddenly the room is bathed in darkness, and not a moment to soon as he hears his husband enter the penthouse and call out for him.

Chanyeol has checked all areas of their penthouse, and his husband is nowhere to be found, his heart sinks could it be that the birth mother has changed her mind! Angry himself, if this is the case and that the adoption agency decided to do that over the phone with his husband instead of asking them to come to the office. Poor Baekhyun this will crush his delicate husband, Chanyeol races into the bathroom as the only room he hasn't looked in his heart speeding up when that too is empty. Grabbing his phone he calls to call man who will know, Jongdae! Surprised though when he hears Jongdaes ring tone for him, the theme tune to Jurassic Park! Something is definitely going on.

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