Chapter 4

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Vision got the alert and immediately got out of his chair and began to fly that way. Before he could get out of the city, Spider-Man followed him.

"Vision!" Peter swung up and stuck to the robot's cape.

"You've got to go Peter."

"You're going to help dad. I'm going with you."

"You have no permission."

"Currently both my mom and dad are off the grid. I really don't care."

Vision knew the clock was ticking, and that fighting with Peter would make him three hours late at the least. So he relented, and Peter's suit folded out hidden compartments with wings, kinda like his dad's suit. It was sleeker though, and they weren't really wings, rather rockets.

- -

Natasha and the team made it to Wakanda, where Shuri eyed them angrily before calling her brother in to, as she said, 'take out the trash.'

"Hello, is there a particular reason you're here?" T'Challa asked them, bitterly eyeing them.

"We're seeking refuge from the outside." Natasha told him, as if the man didn't already know.

"So you come to a country that has not only complied with the Accords, but helped write them? And the person you fought against just hours ago? "

"Yeah." Clint finished lamely.

"While I considered you all teammates at a time, it is against Wakanda's best interest to shelter you. I expect you out by the end of today. I will provide a ship to bring you to the border of this country. After that, you'll have to find a way on your own." He turned to leave, the Dora carefully watching the rogues' ever movement. Steve would've chased after the king, but he had seen what Okoye could do. He wasn't getting in her way.

- -

Tony was silently drowning. Despite not being able to breathe without Bucky's arm, his thoughts were still running rampant. The biggest thought was Bucky's arm.

Technically, this wasn't the same arm that killed his parents, but still, the same arm that killed his mom was continually saving his life. Kinda funny wasn't it?

He had heard everything Bucky had told him. He knew what it felt like to be attacked, used, and broken. But not to feel? Tony felt everything and he couldn't even begin to imagine the horrors that Bucky had to go through during Hydra. In truth, Tony had only built the arm because it was expected of him. The billionaire with a special niche in technology giving a broken man a new arm. And he got to study old technology and make it better, nobody expected him to have a problem touching the same arm that choked his mom. But he made the new arm better despite the pure fear running through him. It was better than any prosthetic in the world. It was kinda like when he watched all his father's videos and was determined to make his products better. He always pushed for better, it consumed him, and had caused millions of lives.

He didn't blame Wanda for wanting to kill him. It was his fault. He couldn't say he knew it was wrong, because he had been building weapons for his entire life, since five to be exact. He didn't know anything else. When he stopped, he had to learn how to create things the general public could use, without it blowing up or requiring bullets.

Even Dum-e who he made at MIT was supposed to be a weapon. But sleep deprived, depression filled, drunk, Tony spent two straight days working on Dum-e and when he was sober again, realized he had created Dum-e as a robot with his own mind of 0's and 1's. He still built the weapon, but it wasn't close to Dum-e's design, and had no mind of its own. Tony didn't even know that he was capable of making robots and technology with their own minds, But slowly, after Dum-e's creation, he entered the wonderful world of AI's. By his seventeenth birthday, Jarvis, who he had worked on for two years, the longest ever working on a single project, had come to life. Over the years, Tony had improved the coding, and his AI grew, had his own opinions, wasn't afraid to sass his master, and became so lifelike that when Tony was drunk, he swore he saw Jarvis in the hallway, when videos only showed the AI Jarvis talking to Tony. It was sad really. Ultron was supposed to be a Jarvis for the world, a metaphorical 'suit around the world.' It was a admirable dream, but it just wasn't possible.

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