Precioso's birth

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As Lucky was going trough her own pregnancy,Lorena's had already arrived to a due date ; her stomach was huge and heavy with the unborn foal she carried wich kept moving around. Like the spirited stallion its father was,kicking and bouncing around like its mom's stomach could grow more. It couldn't,and Lorena snorted each time her hyperactive foal would give a strong kick or not stopping moving. Spirit told her that was a good thing,because it meant the foal was healthy and strong. "it's like it'll kick his way out" the mare groaned,laying down next to her mate. Spirit nuzzled her "He? How do you know that?" He asked, chuckling "a mother knows these things,silly. This baby's been growing inside of me,i just feel it's a boy." She said,her head laying onto her mate's strong hooves. Spirit tossed his mane a bit,looking around "the birth should be anytime now" She stated,looking at her foals bulging out with the foal's weight and kicks. The stallion nuzzled her shoulder "it'll be okay." He said "i promise. It's gonna be alright" Lorena closed her eyes,frowning and groaning louder than usual. "Ow..." She said,trough gritted teeth "well,hello there~" She said. Spirit looked at her "another kick?" He asked. She compressed her lips into a thin line,looking at her mate with guilty eyes "uhmmm,nope. That was...different."
Spirit's eyes stared at her in shock "wait, what..?" He asked,She felt his body tensing next to her "you mean it was another kind of pain? mean the pain?" He asked frenetically,She looked at him and adjusted herself onto the soft grass "i'm afraid -OUH- so..." She said,grimacing at another strong pain. It takes 15 minutes for a horse to give birth,and Lorena felt like she was halfway giving birth... literally feeling the calf's head and small hooves coming out "Ouff...geez..." She muttered heavily, spreading her back legs apart ready to welcome the foal. Spirit held her close,but was definitely a nervous wreck on the inside ; all of his brain cells were hollering,running around and freaking out in pure panic,but letting that show? No. Never. Not in front of his mate in labour.
"Okay..okay" he said "Deep breaths. We got this." Lorena breathed in sharply "Fine. Fine..." She murmured,but then another contractions hit her painfully.
"Does it hurt...?"
Her eyes shot open "OF COURSE IT HURTS,WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?" She yelled in his face,before groaning back in pain "Ow!! Ow!! That one hurts!" Spirit was stunned by that reaction,but quick to hold her close to him "breathe...breathe,it's okayy. It's aaalright. You're fin-"
"I'M NOT FINE YOU IDIOT, I'M HAVING THIS FOAL!!" She yelled again,visibly angered and in extreme pain...It all happened among minutes,even moments. "OH GREAT EPONA- O-OH IT'S COMING!"
And It did come...if someone asked Spirit to tell them about the birth of his very first son,he wouldn't have answered because what came next was a blurry memory. So many sounds ; puff,pants,crying and neighing of pains,yelling and then pushing...but the sound that came at the end....that was the most beautiful sound Spirit and Lorena had ever heard, beautifuler than a double rainbow,prettier than the sun shining down onto the soft hills and colourating the mountains of a pure fire red color. The small neigh the tiny foal let out. As soon as he heard that,the proud leader of the herd burst out crying like a little foal as did his mate,letting her head fall onto the grass with a smile onto her face,a joyful sob onto her lips "our son..." She murmured,looking up at her mate. His soft brown eyes looked more like two waterfalls "our baby boy..."
The multicolored foal sniffed around,then opened his eyes ; they were sky colored like his grandmother's and the damp tuft of mane that was onto his small head was white and black like both of his parents' manes. He was so beautiful. The newborn sneezed softly as new smells came into his tiny nostrils,wich he flared out in a high pitched snort. He had his father's eyebrow and eye shape and his mother's rounded features...a perfect mix between both of them.
Lorena brought her head in,nuzzling the baby, welcoming him into the herd and cleaning him wich he seemed to enjoy as he nuzzled his mother's muzzle. Spirit was still sniffing emotionally at the sight,ne stood up and brought his head in into a nuzzling session as well,being gentle and calming with his newborn as not to startle him. The baby was sure a brave one,and nuzzled his father back "what should we call him?" Spirit asked softly. Lorena looked down for a moment,then smiled "Precioso." She said. "His name is Precioso."

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