"welcome to the world"

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The morning had begun,and the moment the woke up in her ninth month of pregnancy,Lucky felt this weird flutter inside her whale sized stomach. Javier had already gone to work by the time she had woken up ; Lucky sat up in bed and stretched a bit,before a feeling of pressure started showing up into her lower stomach.
However,She paid no mind to it ; She had been having false contractions lately,this surely was one of these. She tought that as she ran her hands across her large middle taking deep breaths as she always did before standing up. When she heard her,Althea would always help Javier's pregnant wife standing up. Since Aunt Cora had been so worried about her,She had asked her friend if she could live with the couple during those last months of pregnancy.
The plump woman had agreed and there she was,living with them for the moment.
But other than feeling a bit spaced out,the day went by calmly and at the same pace as the others...if not for the pressure that was growing stronger. At 5 p.m, It became so intense Lucky felt her lungs almost giving out from a sort of shock,her legs shaking a bit. Althea had been washing some dishes with her help when she saw Lucky putting her orange sponge down and leaning against the wooden surface of the washing place. Maybe It had been some mother sense or just instinct,but Althea immediately sensed something was wrong,she reached her hand out and out it on the young woman's back "are you okay,darlin'?" She asked worriedly "you seem tired."
Lucky took deep breaths "i've been having this pression down here since this morning." She said "it's odd...It doesn't hurt,but it brothers me." Then she leaned back,one hand behind her back to ease a suddent pain that had shot in with a small grimace. Althea's eyes widened at that "back pains?" She asked "does it feel like it's DEEPER than under your muscle?"
Lucky looked at her for a minute,examinating the pain that was filling her inch to inch "It does..." She said almost shocked. Althea nodded "these signs are all there, sweetheart." She said gently. Lucky felt confused,but confusion was replaced by another grimace on her face with a few drops of hot sweat onto her forehead. She felt her stomach dropping low in that precise moment,the weight of her baby shifting inside her.
"you're havin' this baby."
Javier patted Paint's neck as he looked at the little girl on the saddle,Emma Brown was sure getting better at riding. The little girl smiled proudly at her teacher "am i doing good,Javi?" She asked with her cute shrill voice. The man smiled at her "Indeed you are,sweet one!" He said "you feel like keeping going or you want to stop?"
While Emma was thinking about what to do,a woman called Javier. "Javier,come quick!" Althea said. Javier's eyes narrowed "what's wrong?" He asked. His heart started racing as Althea said "It's Lucky! The baby! Come right now, it's coming!"
Those were the words Javier had hoped to say for the past 9 months ; finally being able to hold their baby into his arms,rock it and sing it lullabies. He felt his hands quiver as he shot a quick look to Emma "Emma,you think you can go home by yourself?" He asked,keeping his voice from trembling. Emma nodded "i'll ask mrs. Pru to help me." She said. Javier nodded "good girl." He said, before literally jumping the fence to the point his hat fell off.
Javier Bienvenidos basically burst into their house,his wide chest going in and out franatically. "LUCKY" He exclaimed,his eyes wide as he pratically rushed towards the sofa where his was lying down. Her hair was tied back in a low sweaty ponytail,her face was red and her head laying onto some pillows. His wife was taking deep breaths,her eyes closed and her hands on the sides of her huge abdomen. Her beautiful hazel eyes opened when she heard his voice "Javi..." She murmured in a pained voice,hinting that her contractions had started. He sat down besides her,immediately grabbing her hand and caressing her forehead finding it wet. "You're okay. How much pain do you feel?" He asked. Althea came in and explained : "it's not long now. Her contractions are closer togheter,the baby should come soon." She said, unexpectedly calmly despite the heat of the situation. Javier took in deep breaths,still holding hands with his wife as his gaze fell onto the rings their hands shared and how the size difference between them was...She was in labour and in so much pain,more than he could ever feel. Childbirth was terrifying yet wonderful,but it also involved phisical pain. Still,the strong wonderful being the woman he married was looked so beautiful,even with wet soaking her forehead and her face grimacing as another pain made her squeeze her husband's hand in pure pain with a small yell. She gritted her teeth and arched her back,Javier hurried putting a hand behind her back to substain her. Her eyes widened when a strong urge to push was what she felt inside of her. She opened her mouth in surprise when she felt it,and looked at her husband in fear. Javier understood,and nodded as he shot a quick glance at Althea who had just finished boiling water and taking a few blankets. Lucky spread her legs apart,taking in deep breaths. Althea looked at Javier "Go and hold her from behind. She's gonna start pushing."
Javier nodded swiftly "okay. O-okay." He said,Lucky lifted her back to make space for her husband and immediately squeezed his hand si tight Javier grimaced "h-honey, you're breaking my fingers-" he said,his deep voice breaking. Lucky paid no mind to that "I'M PUSHING A HUMAN OUT OF MY BODY AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING?!" She roared at her husband in a hoarse voice,he decided to be quiet and just let her squeeze his hand.
Althea had positioned herself ready to welcome the newborn with a warm blanket.
"Okay Lucky, it's time!" Althea said "push! Push as hard as you can." And she obeyed,putting all the strenght she found in her body to push her baby out. She gritted her teeth and kept going for what seemed like forever before she finally stopped, completely out of breath and sweating hard. Javier lovingly pushed her hair out of her beautiful face and murmured encouraging words "ya llega" he kept saying "just a bit longer."
"I can see the head!" Althea said franatically "come on,sweetpea! Another push,you got this!" But she felt so tired at the mention of that,so much pain she was in that she started whimpering "It hurts...It hurts,Javier..." She murmured trough sobs "i can't...i-i can't." Her husband lovingly kissed her temples,tying her hair back into a more neat low ponytail and massaging her aching back softly but calmly "you got this... you're doing so well, Fortuna...my love...you're so strong. Of course you can. Try again...i'm here with you..."
So she gathered all her strenght and groaned as she gave the strongest of pushes,grabbing the sheets of the sofa where  nine months ago she told her husband she was with child...and those months went by so quickly as her baby grew. It had now decided he wanted to meet its parents. And Lucky too wanted to meet that little bundle,so she kept pushing as hard as she could,so hard that she grabbed her husband's hand in exhaustation at the end of the push and she burst out crying from the effort,or maybe that was just sweat. She couldn't really tell,but what Javier could tell is that his wife ; the first girl who had ever gotten him head over heels,his first love,his wife and the mother of that beautiful unborn that was about to wail its way into the world was turning into a warrior,a lioness in order to bring their little creation into their lives.
The shoulders were out,and Althea's capable hand advantaged her by gently pulling the baby out. And that was when both Javier and Lucky Bienvenidos heard the most beautiful sound they ever heard,the sound that brought their hearts melting but racing at the same time and Javier's hands at trembling violently. The sound of their daughter's first wail.
"It's a girl!" Althea said, emotion filling her eyes too. Lucky didn't wait to tear up ; tears flooded down accompanied by small laughs and sobs of tiredness,happiness and who knows what else. Javier put his hand in front the bridge of his nose,his face was red and tears were streaming down like two fountains or the Niagara falls and his body was shaking with sobs of happiness he grabbed his wife's face and kissed it franatically then reaching her soft lips.
The little girl was screaming at the top of her tiny set of lungs as Althea carefully washed her and then wrapped a soft wool blanket around the newborn,smiling as she handed Lucky her small daughter. The woman took her in her arms gently,cradling her lovingly "Hey you..." She murmured "you finally decided to come out...huh?" Javier put a hand onto his wife's,still shaking with emotion of seeing that small bundle of joy. The young baby stopped crying as she heard her mother's voice,and she opened her eyes. They were her father's same color and shape,she also had a mix between her parents',her eyebrows hinted that her hair was to be like her mother's. She was absolutely perfect.
Javier was staring at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen,the most wonderful landscape he had ever imagined...and they had made her. Althea smiled "Lucky,put her onto your skin,so she can learn your smell." Lucky unbottoned the first bottons of her shirt and let the baby's cheeks rest onto her bare chest. Javier looked at both of them in pure awe,and after Lucky was sure her daughter had earned her scent,She handed the budle to Javier "c'mon,Daddy." She said "it's your baby~" And Javier took her gently, holding his daughter gently but firmly, his hands shaking as his tear-filled eyes stared at his child,pure love shining in them "hola,miija" he murmured emotionally,kissing the top of her tiny forehead gently,careful not to tickle her with his beard. Still holding the baby,he said besides his wife,who snuggled against him visibly exhausted,her cheek against his chest.
"Have you chosen a name for her?" Althea asked. Javier smiled "her name is Lane."
Althea smiled "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful little pumpkin'!" She said,clapping her wide hands "welcome to Miradero, lil' Bienvenidos."

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