4 | time for murder

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"I'm not saying don't date the guy," Bonnie shrugged as they made their way through the hall, "I'm just saying take it slow."

"You said to go for it," Elena reminded her skeptically.

"Now I'm saying take it slow," she replied.

Elena frowned, "Why the about-face?"

"It's not an about-face," she countered, "You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field."

"Oh, because I'm so that girl," Elena rolled her eyes."Seriously, what are you not saying?"

Bonnie shook her head, "It's stupid."

"Bonnie..." she trailed off accusingly.


"Spit it out."

"I accidentally touched Stefan," she confessed and Evelyn raised an amused eyebrow, "And I got a really bad feeling."

"Is that it?" Elena inquired.

"It was bad bad!" Bonnie defended.

"Is this about the witch thing?"

"I'm just concerned."

"I love you for it, but I feel good," Elena explained, "It's been a rough year, and I'm starting to feel like things are going back to normal. Stefan is a big part of that."

"Ah, would you look at that, class is starting," Evelyn pointed out as they took their seats. "What a shame this conversation has to come to an end."

"World War II ended in..." Mr. Tanner trailed off, clearly waiting for a student to raise their hand. "Anyone got anything? Miss Juan?" The girl shook her head and Tanner rolled his eyes, "1945."

"Miss Gilbert?" he inquired and both Evelyn and Elena looked up at this.

"Which one?" Evelyn mused, "I'm sure you've got a brain in there somewhere. I'd love to see you use it next time."

"And I miss the days when you weren't here."

"I missed you too, Tanner," she grinned."

He turned to face Elena, not egging the girl on, "Pearl Harbor?"

"Um..." she trailed off awkwardly, clearly unaware of the answer.

"December 7, 1941," Stefan answered for her.

"Thank you, Miss Gilbert," Tanner replied and a few kids in the class snickered.

Stefan tapped his pen on his desk, "Anytime."

"Very well," Tanner stated before addressing the class again. "The Fall of the Berlin Wall."

"1989," Stefan answered again and the class turned to look at him. "I'm good with dates, sir."

Evelyn couldn't help but laugh at this, Maybe because you've lived through them.

"Are you?" Tanner mused. "How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."

"1964," Stefan answered.

"John F. Kennedy Assassination."


"Martin Luther King."




"Roe vs. Wade."


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