Chapter Seven: The Downhill Chase & Invasion

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Meanwhile, Braedey, Diana, Shaggy, and Scooby were sprinting along a cliffy ledge at the back of the whole mining town. They managed to get some distance from the creeps. But then, they came to a 300ft drop that lead down into a deep dark valley below.

"Roh boy." Scooby looked back, then at Shaggy. "Row what?"

Braedey looked around for something, then he found a piece of metal that was shaped like a surfboard. "Let's surf, Scooby-Doo!" Braedey grabbed Diana suddenlyx and jumped off the cliff. "YEE-HAW!!!" Then, he landed with Diana on his surfboard, and the two raced down the mountain.

Shaggy swiftly picked up a garbage can lid. "Let's rip it, Scoob! ZOINKS!" He yelled, jumping off the cliff, and goes sliding down the hill.

Scooby then saw the Skeleton Men were coming up fast. Quickly, he grabs a garbage bin lid, and jumped off the cliff, landing on the bin lid. He uses the bin lid as a toboggan, and started to race down the mountain with Braedey, Diana, and Shaggy, leaving behind two angry Skeleton Men at the top of the cliff.

"I don't know." The green Skeleton Man said to the red Skeleton Man. The red Skeleton tolled his eye, then kicked the green one in the batteries, and the green Skeleton Man turned into a skeleton-toboggan.

The red Skeleton Man climbed onto the skeleton-toboggan. "Banzai." It snarled, as he launched himself and the green Skeleton Man off the cliff and down the hill, after the Great Dane and surfing teenagers.


"We're getting rad!" Braedey cheered, Diana holding onto him tightly.

"This pipe's ripping, Scoob!" Shaggy then looked back, and he saw something heading towards them. "Zoinks!"

Braedey and Diana look back also. "Dang it. The Skeleton Men are on the move!"

Scooby looked back, and he too saw The Skeleton Men coming, and they were angry. Scooby frantically started to backstroke, trying to create some distance. Diana looked back, and she could see the Skeleton Men, so she'd grab either a rock or a branch along the way, and threw them back at the freakshows behind them.

Then, Braedey, Diana, Shaggy, Scooby and the Skeleton Men jumped off another ledge, Braedey hanging ten, and performing a helicopter, soaring about 50ft into the air. The Red Skeleton Man tried to hit Scooby, but Scooby luckily used the garbage can lid as a shield in the air. Then, he lands safely on the ground in it.

Scooby kicked up the lid on its side, and started to ride it like a unicycle. He, Braedey, Diana, and the Skeleton Men go round a tree, and Scooby propped the lid back down. Braedey, Diana, and Scooby dodge more swings by the Skeleton Men, but then, they see a low-hanging branch on a large dead tree coming up to them.

"Up and over?" Braedey asked.

"Rup and over." Scooby nodded.

"Hold on." Braedey advised to Diana, and she held on tightly.

Braedey and Scooby reach their arms up, grabbing onto the branch, and the two do the 'up-and-over', cheering to each other, and they landed on the ground, now right BEHIND the Skeleton Men.  The red Skeleton Man looked back in surprise, and he saw Scooby, Diana, and Braedey behind him.

"Rello." Scooby pointed ahead with a smile.

The red Skeleton Man looked ahead of it, only to see a giant tree in front of him. The Skeleton Men screamed out in fear, and they crashed into the tree, like bowling pins being struck down in a bowling alley.

"STEE~RIKE!" Braedey cheered out loudly, as he, Diana, and Scooby performed a high-five and laughed, then the three friends continued their way down the slope, catching up with Shaggy. "Score Two for Diana, Giga, Braedey Martin, and Scooby-Doo!!" He laughed.

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