8: meeting the family

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The rest of the assembly went by quickly but the entire time I couldn't stop thinking about Austin. He was absolutely incredible at the guitar and the entire time he was playing I couldn't take my eyes off him.

We all stood up from our spots in the bleachers and made our way over to the doors to get back to class. As I stepped down I accidentally hit someone with my arm. I turned around, saying sorry and my eyes were met with Ethan. I looked at him, waiting in the crowd as he stood behind me.

"No problem" he said, smiling down at me.

"Babe, can we get out?" Lucy said from behind him, clinging onto his arm.

I turned back around and felt Gwen latch onto me, "see I said talking to him wasn't so hard" she said sarcastically.


"Well class here are you marks!" Mr. Hamilton said as we sat in biology class the next week.

He handed out the tests as I looked around, seeing the different looks on peoples faces. Some happy, some disappointed.

"Ms. (y/l/n)" he said handing me mine.

I turned the paper over.
86% not bad...

"Mr. Post" Mr. Hamilton said as he handed a test to Austin.

"What'd you get?" he asked me as the whole class went over their own tests.

"86. You?" i asked, looking over at his paper.

"77..." he said, looking slightly disappointed.

"Hey that's good!" i said, smiling at him.

"Yeah, well it's not a 86." he said, putting his test away.

"Well maybe you can work towards that for the next test?" i said, reassuringly.

"Maybe with your help?" he said, looking at me with hopeful grin.

"Sure." i said, a smile plastered onto my face.

What was he doing to me?


It was Friday night and I was at work, we were extremely busy as we usually were on weekend nights and we could hardly keep up. I was finishing cleaning the dirty dishes away from a table as one of the bus boys came up to me.

"Party of four coming at you quick here" he said as he quickly wiped the table down.

I sighed and made my way back to the kitchen, putting the dirty dishes next to the dish washer.

I stepped out of the kitchen and took a moment to breath and fix my ponytail. I walked back out into the dining hall, checking in on a few tables as I made my way over to the new customers. As I turned the corner, I saw a familiar face, Austin. As I walked up he made eye contact with me and a grin formed on his face.

"Hey!" he said.

"Uh hey." I said back before looking at the other people he was sitting with.

Before I could speak Austin beat me to it, "this is (y/n), the girl who helped me get that 77 on the bio test" he said to what I was assuming were his parents.

"So this is the bright girl!" the woman spoke up.

"Hi" i said, chuckling. "I'm (y/n), i'll be your server for this evening" i said, trying my best not be too awkward. "Can I start you off with anything?"

"A water for me" the woman spoke up.

"A bud light for me" the man beside her said.

"Make that two" Austin spoke up.

Sunflower (Post Malone x reader)Where stories live. Discover now