19: babe.

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Gwen screamed, causing everyone else on the stairs outside of the school to stare at us.

"Gwen" I scolded her.

"He asked you on a date last night?" She said in a more hushed voice. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to tell you in person" I shrugged.

Her smile was wide as Mia and Abby walked up to us.

"Guess who's got a boyfriend?" She announced to them.

"Gwen! He's not my boyfriend!" I said, correcting her.

They both looked at me shocked.

"Austin asked (y/n) out on a date!" She squealed.

"No way!" Abby squealed too.

Mia gave me a hug as we both watched Gwen and Abby freak out.

"You guys, stop." I groaned.

"You're gonna have a boyfriend" Gwen said in a sing- songy voice.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, "not yet!"

The smell of cigarette smoke hit our nostrils as we heard a loud engine stop in the student parking lot.

"Speak of the devil" Gwen squealed.

I suddenly got a little nervous and just rolled my eyes, praying that Gwen would stop with the over- excitement.

"Don't stare!" I said in a whisper.

"Play it cool" Gwen said causing the rest of us to roll our eyes.

We all glanced over as we saw Austin and Taylor walk through the parking lot and over to the stairs. I looked away, trying to act as normal as possible. I looked at Gwen who made eye contact with me and started wiggling her eyebrows, causing me to chuckle. Austin and Taylor put out their cigarettes at the bottom of the stairs and started walking up. Mia started up a conversation as to make it not so awkward and I tried to pay attention to what she was saying. As I glanced up I suddenly made eye contact with Austin who gave me a smile and a wink. I smiled back and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

As Austin and Taylor walked into the school, Gwen squeezed my arm, "oh my God!"

"Ow" I said, breaking my arm out of her grip.

"He was totally eye-fucking you" she whispered in my ear causing my mouth to drop open. "Oh don't act so innocent you were doing it right back!"

"I was not" I said as my cheeks became red.

"You're blushing" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're so horny" I said, chucking.

"You don't think I know that? All I need is that friend of his" she winked.

I shook my head and chuckled again as the bell rang for class.


I was standing at my locker in between classes as I felt a hand touch my lower back. I jumped slightly and looked over my shoulder to see Austin leaning up against the lockers beside me. The butterflies in my stomach started to swarm and I smiled at him.

"Hey" he said to me with a grin on his face.

"Hi" I said back.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked in a sweet voice.

"Going over English notes... what're you doing?" I asked trying to mimic his voice.

"Just talking to this cute girl" he said, turning his head away from me but glancing back with his eyes.

Sunflower (Post Malone x reader)Where stories live. Discover now