39: ask them

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My eyelids were heavy as I woke, feeling my skin against the sheets. I looked over at the alarm clock and sighed as I read the time.


Feeling my bladder begin to overflow I tried to get up but was stuck as I felt a heavy weight on me. Austin's arm lay over my torso and his legs were intertwined with mine. I could hear the soft snores coming from behind me as I tried to wiggle free. Finally I got my legs untied and was moving his arm before he pulled me closer into his chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said in a groggy voice.

I chuckled, "to the bathroom."

He sighed letting me go, "okay but hurry up I need to cuddle."

I quickly got up and tossed one of  Austin's t-shirts that was on the floor and made my way to the bathroom. After I was done I looked in the mirror and saw my disheveled hair and worn makeup. Crawling back into bed Austin opened his arms for me to cuddle into his chest.

He stopped as we made contact, "why are you wearing clothes?"

"Oh" I thought for a moment "I - I don't know."

He moved his hands to the hem of the shirt and helped me slip it back off, my body now being fully exposed again.

"There we go, much better" Austin said as I laid down on his chest.

He played with my hair and rubbed my back as I stared over at the wall, just thinking about how lucky I was. I looked up at him and gave him a peck on his jawline, causing a smile to form on his face. I grazed his cheek with my hand and brought his face to meet mine for a kiss.

"My legs are sore" I admitted, causing him to laugh out loud.

"Yeah sorry, I should've warned you about that" he grinned.

"It's okay, I think it was worth it."

He gave me another kiss before we both closed our eyes and eventually fell back asleep.


I waved to Austin as he backed out of Gwen's driveway after dropping me off. As soon as I closed the door I felt arms yank me to turn around.

"Tell me! Tell me!" Gwen pleaded as we stood on the entrance way.

I looked at her then over to her Dad who was sitting on the couch in her living room.

"Upstairs" I whispered to her before we both rushed up to her room.

Gwen closed her door and jumped onto her bed next to me. She bundled up the blanket in her lap as she anticipated what I was about to say.

"We did it" I finally said after a moment of silence.

She squealed as she brought the blanket up to her mouth to muffle the sound and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Tell me everything!" She yelled.

"Shh!" I chuckled. "He made dinner-"

She cut me off with a gasp making me chuckle again.

"- we had dinner then we went into the pool and then the hot tub and we basically made out and he said he didn't wanna do anything until I was ready and I said I was so..."

Gwen squealed again as she flung her arms around. "How was it?"

"Painful at first but it got better" I said, a shy smile coming to my face.

"I bet it did" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh and uh... He told me he loved me."

Gwen screamed, causing me to burst out into laughter as we heard her mom ask if everything was alright.

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