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Her eyes flew open, as she was merely in a state of panic, unaware of what kinds of emotions had stricken her. She then sat herself up and felt around, attempting to find something to grasp between her as a form of comfort. Cold sweat started breaking out between her forehead and cheeks, down her arms, and brushing against her legs and thighs. It felt like her chest was pounding faster than the speed of light, now visibly shaking and nearly hyperventilating, as she simply could not calm down at all. Her eyes then quickly darted left and right, almost as if she were looking for something, trying to make sure of something. She now felt her eyes stinging, waterfalls of tears scraping against her viridescent skin, forming into puddles upon her apparel. It was the middle of the night. The creaking of the old house could be heard throughout the bathroom walls. She rose from the bathtub as quickly as she could, wanting to go look for someone.

She couldn't really think straight, but she knew that she couldn't be alone right now, she knew she needed to see someone, anyone. She slowly and quietly, almost cautiously, opened the bathroom door, peeking around the corner. Toes first, she moved her foot in front of her, placing it softly on the flooring. Step by step, she tried her best to avoid waking Steven up. She saw a small but plainly visible light, which had appeared to come from the fridge, as it was in fact open and someone was rummaging through it. "Amethyst?" Was what she wanted to say, but she couldn't. She took another step, and then she just stopped, as she stood there, wide-eyed, and completely at a loss for words as she was still trying to comprehend what she had just visualized, still trying to understand that this was reality now.

Amethyst had obviously noticed the emotionally distressed gem standing there and only just staring at her, as she had quietly asked, "...Per?"

Peridot didn't respond, as she physically could not bring herself to.

"Per?" Amethyst had repeated herself, now growing concerned for the smaller gem, as she was not responding. She slightly tilted her head to the side and then asked, "You okay?" in a cautious tone of voice.

Still no verbal response. Peridot then took a few steps closer to the quartz, feeling around the gem if she was making sure Amethyst was ...real, authentic. She then tugged at the neckline of Amethyst's torso, like she was going to make sure her gem was okay. She then wrapped her smaller arms around the bigger gem, burying her face into her shoulder, as she was now crying again. Amethyst flinched out of surprise and was of coursed confused by all of Peridot's behavior but she could see how upset and anxious the technician was. In response, she then wrapped her arms around the smaller gem, petting her blonde triangular hair, as she let the gem quietly sob into her shoulder for a couple of minutes. They then let go of eachother. Amethyst took her index finger and wiped the tears off of Peridot's face in an effort to let her know she was there for her. She then lent her hand out to Peridot, and quietly but softly saying into her ear, "C'mon, let's talk about this in my room."

Peridot then grabbed onto Amethyst. Amethyst flinched again as she was surprised at how shaken the poor gem was. She could now feel her cheeks burning, and tried to hide her face behind her bangs, as her blushing was rather embarrassing, but failed to. She then sighed, looking at Peridot with a sad look in her eyes but gave her a soft smile. "It's okay, Per," She assured the gem, then leading her towards the door to her room.

Upon walking up to the door that led to Amethyst's room, the door split into two halves, with a wavy line and purple light that had appeared to have a slime-like texture. Entering Amethyst's room, Peridot kept her grasp around the quartz's upper arm, inching closer to Amethyst as she examined the room.Even though she had been really close friends with Amethyst for nearly a year now, she had never been inside the quartz's room. The room was incredibly chaotic. As Amethyst lead Peridot further into the clutter, Peridot tripped over objects that had tumbled down the towers of mess. The room had geodes, and even some grass tiles. She saw the bottom of a waterfall that had appeared to have begun in another gem's room, possibly Pearl's, and puddles that looked like they could lead to somewhere else. Although the room was quite disarrayed, it didn't really bother Peridot, she thought it was unique and thought looked pretty neat regardless of the heaps of organized garbage. She then tightened her hold on the quartz, as Amethyst had led her to a messy pile of pillows and blankets.

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