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Last time on The Walking Dead: Eye For An Eye: Sequel;

"Hun you need time to mourn." Ruby says.

"I just.... We should have never left... but oh no, we had to leave, that's what we had planned if we heard gun shots close by, because we were so fucking scared we left.... Shouldn't have left." Clem says to herself as she walks back to Violets grave. I watched her more and more as she limped.

"Did Clem get injured?" Ruby asked.

"Yea, but that was a long time ago.... Very long time ago." I said.

"If she needs pain killers we can give it to you two." Willy says and I shook my head.

"No, it's fine... she doesn't need them, still hates taking them, God Violet had to shove them down her throat one time when she was in so much pain." I said remembering that day and I shook my head.

"She still thinks she's wasting them?" Ruby asked and I nodded.

"That's Clem for you." I said as I watched her as she sat next to the cross and looked up at the sky, it was dark now and the stars were out and I looked down at the others.

"When Clem wants to leave then we'll leave if that's ok?" I asked and they nodded.

"If Louis has an issue with it he can take it up with me." Willy said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said.

"Anytime kid." Aasim says as he picks up his son and him and Ruby head inside and I head over to clementine and sit on the other side of the cross and look up at the stars with her.


(Clementine's Pov)

I woke up to the sound of gun shots going off, I quickly got out of the bed and ran to the door of the trailer as best as I could and looked to see the sun up and I look around the area just to see Violet teaching AJ how to shoot her rifle. I opened the door and stepped outside and watched them.

"Hey now, be careful this thing has a kick to it." I hear her say and I smile a bit as AJ positions the gun right, as Violet helped him move it to a more comfortable position.

"Now just take your time and aim right at that can." She says and AJ nods as he looks through the scope and takes a breath as Violet covers his ears a bit, then fires. He missed.

"God damn it." AJ says and Violet laughed a bit.

"Hey it's fine you'll get the hang of it bud." She says as she pats his back and she looks to me.

"Morning Clem." She says as she waves and AJ looks over to me and waves back.

"Violets teaching me how to shoot a rifle." He says and I walk up to them.

"I see that, you know the last time I shot one I was about eleven years old actually." I say as I help AJ as he tries to shoot again. Violet comes back up behind him as she covers his ears once more. He takes a breath. Fires the rifle and hits the can.

"Great job AJ." She says as she pats his back and he smiles.

"Looks like he deserves a treat don't you think?" She asked as she pulled out some candies and handed them to him and he smiled.

"Come on, I don't need candy anymore." He says.

"A kid who doesn't want candy? The audacity of you AJ, even grownups want candy." She says.

The Walking Dead: Eye For An Eye: SequelWhere stories live. Discover now