The Theft Of Life

178 7 77

(Violet's Pov)

I looked over to Clementine as she raised my rifle up and pointed it at the deer. I kept a look out on any Walkers, which lucky us there wasn't any around. I then looked at the deer but a twig had snapped and of course the deer ran away and I sigh as Clementine would look at me and I smiled a bit.

"I don't know what did that." She says and I shrugged.

"Probably a squirrel little bastard." I muttered and she laughed a bit as she handed my rifle back to me and she grabbed her cane and we walked in the direction of the deer. We walked a bit in silence so I decided to try and start up a conversation.

"Sooo, how's life?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, same old, same old, trying to live, helping people as best as I can, trying to make sure my old wife doesn't lose her hearing too soon." She jokes and I groan a bit.

"Ok so what I found a grey hair this morning, that doesn't mean I'm a grandma." I say and she laughed.

"My poor old woman." She says as she pats my back and I look at her.

"Oh, come on, you're going to get grey hairs soon too you know and I'll start making fun of you." I say and she shakes her head.

"Nah I got the good genes; you won't be seeing a grey hair on my head till I'm in my Seventies." She says and I chuckled a bit as we take a moment to stop so she could rest up her leg a bit.

"Leg becoming a bother?" I asked and she nods a bit.

"Yea but I can't do anything on that, it's not as bad though trust me on that." She says and I look to her a bit as she waved me off.

"So, how's life?" She asked me and I think.

"It's going good, once we finally get this deer though that would be great." I say as I looked to the woods.

"I'm still sorry." She says.

"You don't need to apologize, it's not your fault, other animals just want us to stay out longer." I say as I look at her once more and she stands up a bit and begins walking.

"I'm surprised you didn't go back on your promise though." She says as we climb over a log and I help her.

"I wouldn't have heard the end of it from you if I had broken it, though I'm still very much against it at this time but I can't do anything now." I say and she smirked at me as I

"Oh yea, you would not hear the end of it." She says and I nod at this knowing already.

"Anything else?" I asked and she thought a bit as we began walking after she got her feet on the ground.

"Well, lets see." She says as she thinks a bit and I look to her and I hold her hand a bit as she takes a quick look at me and I pull my hand back.

"Sorry I um."

"No, its ok, I'm just a bit surprised." She says and holds her hand out to me. I look at it a bit then I take it in mine and we walk some more and I look for any signs of the deer passing through but just my luck there weren't any.

"So, have you been ok on the seeing things?" she asked and I looked to her.

"Hmm they come and go sometimes, it's bothersome when it happens." I say as I look to her and I take her cap off and place it on my head and she laughed at this.

"Well, if you ever have them again just tell us that's all I ask of you." She says and I nod.

"So wan to head into the town to see if we can get anything good?" I asked and she nods as we head into the direction of a small town and I look at my map a bit and we finally get in the town.

The Walking Dead: Eye For An Eye: SequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt