To Do Something Good

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(Violet's pov)

I looked at Clementine as we laid in the bed for a bit, I look out the window for a bit and I slowly get up from the bed as she slept. I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed my jacket as I placed it on and I walked to the living room and sat on the couch as I looked down at the table to see a book to which I grabbed and flipped through the pages and read it a bit. There wasn't much to read honestly so I set the book on the table and I looked around a bit as I got up and headed outside. I sat on the steps of the porch and I looked to the trees a bit as I breathed in the cool morning air for a bit.

"You ok?" I hear and turn to look at Mary.

"I'm fine.... You?" I asked and she nods as she sits next to me.

"I'm ok as anyone can be." She says and I nod a bit as I looked to the trees again.

"Are you sure you're fine?" she asked and I nod again as I look to the truck.

"Clementine wants to go back on the road again.... You know just in case Joan is still alive." She says and I nod.

"Yea... but Javie and the others want to see her."

"If she doesn't want to see them then she doesn't have to."

"I know it's just.... I can't go back there." I say.

"They threatened you?" She asked me and I nodded a bit as I breathed a bit.

"Yea.... Yea but it doesn't matter.... I uh... I think I've lived a good life anyway." I say to her.

"You want to die?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"No... No I don't but it's going to happen anyway.... They'll find me and just take me out." I say as I stand up.

"Let's stop talking about this, we need to get breakfast for the other two." I say as I head inside with Marry and I grabbed the rifle and I sigh a bit as I leave a note for Clementine and AJ. Mary and I leave the house with our guns and we just walk for a good while before we take a rest and I look around for any tracks. But I didn't find the tracks that I wanted to.

"Seems Walkers have been here, either that or someone is walking around with a broken leg." I say as I show Mary the tracks.

"You know they said that some people would fake being Walkers." She says and I look at her.

"Is that so?" I asked as we walked some more.

"Yea, they did it so people wouldn't follow them." She explained and I look at the wood paths.

"I knew a guy that wore Walker skins.... Turns out he's still alive so that's good." I say as we walk more.

"There's an entire group of them apparently." She says and I nod and I finally see deer tracks as I look around.

"Yea he said that to Clementine once, she told me about it when we were at my old home." I explain as we both look around and I see a deer and I slowly raise up my rifle and aim. I took the shot and it got the deer right in the head and we walk up to it and I keep look out for Walkers.

"Alright, I'll carry this and we can head home." I say and she nods as we begin to walk home, it was a while as I see Clementine and AJ outside waiting for us as I come up with a deer.

"You ok?" Clem asked and I nodded a bit as we go and set the deer inside the house. I look at her and place my hand on my side a bit.

"Vi, oh god you're bleeding." Clementine says as she looks at my side and I look down to see my shirt with some blood on it.

"I... I didn't know." I mumbled a bit as I go and sit down and Clementine comes over to me and looks me over.

"Jesus what the fuck." She says as she looks at the wound and then to me.

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