Planning For the Future

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(Violets Pov)

I looked to the lady as she looked back at me from her clipboard, and I looked to her nametag which said Franklin on it. I clenched my fists a bit and she looked down at my fist then me. She also goes to a desk area as she grabs some dog tags and hands them to me and I just snatch them away from her and put them on and I look at her. My hands going back as fists.

"You might want to calm down, you'll get in major trouble if the others think you're going to hurt me." She says and I watch her more. As I unclench my fists, I look at the ground.

"My family and I don't want to be here." I tell her.

"You don't want to be safe?" she asked.

"We do bu-."

"You don't want clean water? Food, electricity, none of what this world was when you were younger?" she asked.

"Honest to God half this stuff I didn't even have as a kid, so I'm use to it." I tell her as I glare at her, she looked at me.

"I doubt that." She said and I glared at her.

"You need to learn that life aint fair kid, you lived a good life probably as a child but in this world, we need people to work together." She said and I laughed.

"Good life? Lady you have no fucking idea what my life was before this world went to hell so don't stand there and act like I was living the lap of fucking luxury." I said and she glared at me and got in my face as I glared at her more.

"Listen and listen good, you will do your job keep your head down and just live here and be safe and keep others safe, this place is better than out there." She said.

"You think kidnapping people is safer? Ya'll took us away from what we wanted to do and you force us into jobs that for one I don't fucking want." I said and she punches me and I fall back a bit and I am on the ground as I look up to her.

"You got a good job because you have two people with you that you take care of, one of them doesn't even have a leg, and you want her to travel around? To get killed? Have you seen what they do to kids out there?" Franklin said and I glared at her.

"YES, I DO!" I yelled at her and she backs up and I get up.

"You must be stupid as fuck to say something like that, to think I don't know what happens, for fuck sake my little brother was shot and killed by people, my wife lost her eye, my ex was sold off, my friend was killed with no remorse, I know what it's like so fuck you." I tell her and she looked at me.

"Then you should be glad to be here and that your.... wife? along with her son have a safe place to live, and that you're still protecting them as well by working on the wall, and defending them from monsters." She said and I glared at her.

"You know I'm right though; you and your family don't have to go out and scavenge for food."

"We know how to grow plants, clean our water, and do what we need to survive, we've done it for years." I said.

"Prove it to us." She said.

"No." I told her and she glares at me.

"Fine we can make your boy work on the wall."

"NO!" I yelled and she looked at me.

"I'll.... I'll work on it damn it." I said and she smiled and nodded as she took me to the shooting range and I glare at the back of her head as she opens the door and I walk in as the other soldier's look at me and I look around a bit.

"Ah you must be the new recruit, welcome to Valhalla." A man said as he came up to me and held his hand out and I took it and shook his hand a bit.

The Walking Dead: Eye For An Eye: SequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt