Cookies & Crushes

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(This is my first omegaverse fanfic! I've been reading/learning about it for a while so I'm confident that it'll be accurate. I'm bending a few rules here and there but that's all.)

Katsuki huffed loudly with an irritated grunt following right after. He had been working on a letter to the person he 'liked' for a very long time now to the point where it was actually past his bedtime. The clock read '8:38', not long past it but definitely getting there. Bakugou had figured that it was a waste of time anyway because, well...The person he liked was way out of his league.

Signing his name for the fifteenth time that hour he still didn't like it. Groaning loudly he decided to just give up, it wasn't like he'd get a 'yes' or something stupid like that. Although having his feelings be returned would truly be a miracle but unlikely at that. Closing his notepad, Katsuki stretched as he stood up from his swivel chair.

Wandering over to the door, he unlocked it and stepped outside. Instantly, he was hit with a very good smell, almost like a bakery. Someone was making something sweet that was for sure. Quickly, he closed his door and rushed down the stairs. The smell only got stronger as he blindly approached the kitchen.

Tripping on his feet slightly, he stopped when something hot got near his face. Opening his eyes again, he was greeted with a pan of cookies directly in front of his face and somebody behind them. If he wasn't so caught up on eating one of the delicious masterpieces in front of him then he would've realized who it was.

"Can I have one?" Katsuki asked in a very rushed tone, there was no time to wait. He loved pastries and cookies were on the top of the list.

"Oh, su-" Before the person could answer, Katsuki snatched one of the cookies off of the pan and immediately dug his teeth into it. A smile spread across his face as he took another bite, it was an above-average cookie that reminded him of his own mother's love.

"Thanks." Katsuki happily said, turning around to finally look at the other person. Oh. Oh no. The smile on his face quickly turned into a nervous frown as he locked eyes with the person he liked. Todoroki Shoto. 

Katsuki nervously shuffled around for a moment before stuffing the rest of the cookie into his mouth. If he couldn't talk, he wouldn't have to even think about interacting with him. The two were still blankly staring at each other and his face was starting to go red.

"Are they good?" Shoto asked him with a bit of a waver in his voice. He sat the pan down on the counter and stopped the oven, every time he moved he seemed on edge. Something seemed off about the way he scent as well.

"Yeah. They're uh...really yummy." Katsuki praised him, his eyes darting around the room. Yummy? Yummy! Only a dumb second grader would say something is 'yummy'. He began to blush profusely as he fumbled with his hands.

"Good, I was making them for- I mean...Actually, nevermind." He stumbled on his words, running a hand through the white of his hair. "This was just a test batch, you can have more if you want." The alpha added, smiling slightly.

"Really? Well, the final batch better be just as good!" Katsuki scoffed, hiding his excitement. Despite still blushing and fumbling he could still fake his confidence with his speech.

"I hope it is." He responded with a happier tone. The two hadn't exactly been good friends but interactions like this seemed to make them both a bit more joyful.

 . . .

Sharing the delicious cookies with his friends, Katsuki listened to them rant and munch. Ashido was whining about how she wouldn't have a valentine this year while Sero was trying his very best to flirt with her. Kaminari was laughing at how depressing his attempts were while Kirishima was venting about valentine's day to Ashido as well.

"It's February first! You guys are overreacting, besides, what's so good about having a valentine anyway?" Katsuki groaned, shutting all of his friends up.

"Kitty, you don't understand. I've had a valentine pre valentine's day for all fifteen years of my life! I'm just that pretty! However, every male in class 2-A is incredibly gay." Ashido grunted, frowning.

"I'm straight!" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero all yelled at the same time. "And you're really cute..." Sero added.

"So is Izuku."

"And Koda So is Shoji."

"The only ones who are gay are Baku, Todoroki, and uh...Aoyama!"

"Isn't Iida not gay too?"

"I dunno! Probably isn't a homosexual."

"Haha! You said, homosexual!"

Kirishima and Kaminari kept talking back and forth, breaking out into fits of laughter. Sero was stuttering as he kept denying his comment about Ashido being cute. Katsuki looked unimpressed as he watched his friends talk.

He happily took another bite of his fifth cookie, the taste had become irrelevant and the only reason he was still eating them was that Todoroki made them. Ashido let out a loud squeal as she bounced up and down.

"What about you, Kitty? Is there anyone YOU like?" Mina suddenly asked him, smiling widely. He blushed profusely darting his eyes around the room.

"Well yeah. I'm not telling you-"

"I still have those nudes."

"Wait, what? I thought you got rid of those like, a year ago?" Katsuki gasped, completely confused as to how those still existed. It was a VERY long story as to how that happened. "You're deleting them this time, right?"

"Yeah, if you tell me who the special guy is." Mina giggled, holding up her phone. Coming to terms with the fact that he was being blackmailed, he decided to just spill the tea.

"Todoroki Shoto. Now delete any nude pictures you have of me, pervert!" Katsuki yelled, blushing brightly. Ashido always had the best blackmail.

"But you look so cute!"


. . .

. . .

. . .

(That is it for chapter 1! Opinions? I personally am not a big fan of the alpha-omega basic story bc when it's alpha-beta there's a lot more room for angst/insecurities and I'm planning to attempt some of that.)

Thanks for reading!

~998 Words~

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