You make it difficult to not overthink

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and when im with you i turn all shades of pink.

 February 17th, Monday Afternoon.

"Sorry, Kat. We gotta get to detention." Ashido apologized sadly, packing up her stuff. All of his friends somehow got detention that day. He was in the bathroom for five whole minutes and they managed to cause trouble. "Cya!" She called, running out of the door with the others.

Today wasn't very eventful besides Bakugou being constantly sick throughout the day. It was weird how drained he was, maybe it was the weight of yesterday tearing him down but man was he beat. The empty classroom and lingering feeling of loneliness wasn't helping either. Sitting his head down on the desk, he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Then, the sound of chatter filled up the room. Keeping his feet glued to the floor he listened as the people exchanged their goodbyes, leaving one person left in the room. Footsteps echoed throughout as that person got closer. The sound stopped and was replaced with quiet breathing that was much calmer than Katsuki's at the moment.

"Bakugou?" None other than Todoroki himself asked softly. Damn, he really couldn't get sick of that voice, could he?

"Go away you bastard." Katsuki murmured, biting his tongue slightly. Why did this still hurt? After everything he went through the other day, it still hurt?! "You're still on that stupid rut, aren't you?"

Before Shoto could even open his mouth he was cut off, "I regret helping you, you sick bastard! I hate you!" Katsuki raised his voice slightly, not bothering to even look at him. "And don't try to change my mind." He added.

Suddenly his face was cupped very gently, forcing him to look up. Those eyes, he couldn't get away from them. "But you don't. You don't hate me, Bakugou Katsuki." Todoroki whispered in his ear, sounding convincing. "It's the impulse that's making you say that, isn't it?" He questioned.

Don't cry, do not cry. That was all Katsuki could think right now. He wasn't going to just let himself go the same way he did...No. Wailing like a baby was for overemotional idiots who couldn't contain their feelings and he wasn't one of them.

"Impulse? As if! I hate you from the bottom of my heart and I'll say it proudly." Katsuki spat back at him, narrowing his eyes. "I. Hate. You." He repeated slower.

"You said you wanted best for me, right?" Shoto asked, ignoring his past statements.

Bakugou nodded.

"Well, some bottom bitch omega isn't it, okay? I want you, Katsuki. You and only you." The alpha admitted shamelessly, smiling a bit.

Katsuki couldn't tell if his heart shattered or if it was put back together. Was he lying? Well, Todoroki rarely swore in any situation and when he did, he had to be 110% serious, right? For once Katsuki just decided to let the feelings take over. Was this going to be another regrettable decision? Who knew...

Sliding off of the chair, he got down to Todoroki's level and just hugged him. It was all kind of stupid when you thought about it, sitting on your knees in an empty classroom embracing the person who gave you a mental breakdown the other day...So, so stupid. But it was all over now, right? No more tears or kisses or pointless breakdowns, just hugs.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry," Katsuki muttered quietly, his voice breaking apart. Why was he even apologizing?

Shoto patted his back as he eased into the warm embrace, "I'm sorry too." He whispered. This was absolute bliss.

Then, Katsuki was pushed away. Leaning up against the desk he previously sat at he glared at a red-faced Todoroki. "I...I can't stay here with you right now. I don't want to hurt you again." He explained, getting up from the floor.

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