Sorry, but no

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VALENTINE'S DAY - Feb 14th. (I had some free time while the baby was asleep so...This chapter will still most likely be drafted, however.)

Bakugou watched sadly from his desk as everyone else handed around Valentines and talked happily. The number of sweet-smelling pheromones in the room was unbearable, it meant that everybody in this stupid classroom was joyful.

Even Katsuki's own friends were busy having fun. Ashido was blushing and giggling over the stationery card Sero made her while Kaminari was about to choke on air from all the candy Kirishima got him as a joke.

Maybe he was just being petty and dumb but Bakugou really wished everyone would shut up and be sad. Nobody knew how he felt, an eternal sting pounding at his heart. Something was missing...Todoroki was missing.

But no! He wouldn't give himself what he wanted, because, that wasn't what Todoroki wanted. He wanted a warm and loving omega who wouldn't argue, or yell, or be a total jerk all the time. Not a mean beta who did all of those things. Besides, after seeing him at the daycare Katsuki assumed that he probably wanted pups of his own in the future.

What could Bakugou do about that? Nothing. So for the sake of his love's happiness, he'd stay there and sulk. All alone. Actually, where was Shoto in the first place? The idiot hadn't shown up to class today.

Suddenly all of the chatter in the classroom stopped. Confused, Bakugou peeked up and immediately looked back down. There he was, Todoroki Shoto, holding a big heartshaped box of what could only be chocolates. Not just any box, this thing was seriously huge.

Todoroki began to walk over to where Katsuki was sitting. Oh no, no no no! Everyone's eyes were constantly on them as he kept getting closer with that stupid box! They hadn't even interacted yet and Katsuki was already a blushing mess.

Without a word, Shoto sat the box on his desk. "...Sorry, but no." Bakugou whispered to him with teary eyes. He was refusing his chance, his shot to finally be with the person he liked. Small tears dripped down onto the fragile wood of the desk.

Leaving the box of chocolates there, Todoroki pulled Bakugou up by the wrist forcefully. Right, Alphas were super duper strong. Continuing to drag him, the exited the classroom.

. . .

Pinned up against the wall for the second time this week, Katsuki stared blankly at Shoto. "Go away! I said I don't want your stupid chocolates!" He cried, trying to getaway.

Their faces were once again inches apart, so close to the point that their noses were almost touching. This was bad, the temptation was high for both of them at this point. One little movement and boom, another kiss.

"Why? Why aren't you just admitting it? You know you love me!" Todoroki yelped, pushing him further onto the wall harshly.

"I don't!" He lied through his teeth, hissing quietly at the pain of hitting the wall. This was honestly kind of scary...

Katsuki pushed the alpha away from him the best he could, keeping them a few more inches apart. Another sting went off in his heart, preventing him from doing anything else. Man, this really did hurt.

"Just say it!" Shoto cried, on the verge of using his alpha voice. A wave of pure fear washed over Katsuki at that point as his feet felt glued to the floor of the hallways.

"I'm doing this for your own good! You know that you deserve someone better than...than me!" Katsuki yelled at him, suppressing the pit of fear in his stomach.

The two of them stayed silent for a moment, simply staring at each other. This was really uncomfortable now and the argument wasn't quite going anywhere yet...Silence, cold hard silence. Todoroki backed away more, still quiet.

The way he glared at him. It was terrifying! He looked so angry but sad at the same time, damn those pretty eyes for being so beautiful in the worst of situations! "Do you even know what's good for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do! And isn't me." Katsuki scoffed, crossing his arms against his chest. It felt like everything in his body was telling him to just confess and kiss the person he's always wanted to, but his stubborn brain was forcing him to lie through his teeth.

"Fine. Whatever you say." Shoto whispered, beginning to walk away.

Shit, Bakugou really fucked up this time.

the chapter after this is gonna be emo as fuck. I had some extra time and whipped it up for y'all. You're gonna be in for a ride because maybe im just emotional as FUCK but damn did it hurt writing that. I was almost in tears-

nah im just emotional as fuck LMFAO



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some gifs that describe my life

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some gifs that describe my life

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