Oh, uh, I'll try again

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Katsuki quickly got his pants back on as the sound of bustling people rushed through the halls. Those must've been teachers heading to a meeting or something, he hoped Aizawa didn't forget anything in the classroom or something like that. Todoroki was staring at him with a smug look as he sat on a different desk.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" Katsuki barked at him, buttoning his shirt back up now. "This is your fault, I hope you're happy!" He groaned.

"I'm happy." Todoroki smirked at him, sliding down from the desk, "See you later, Bakugou." He whispered, beginning to walk out of the door.

Wow, that was rude. Not even a 'Katsuki'? I mean it did make sense, they weren't even a thing. A thing...Dammit, why was he feeling all conflicted and stupid now! Great, so Todoroki got in his pants twice in the span of two days and they weren't even dating. He really was a tool, wasn't he?

Bakugou Katsuki was so damn obsessed that he let himself fall this deep into the endless hole that is Todoroki Shoto. That asshole used him! And here he was thinking that he actually had a chance, a chance to be with him. Even after he said that some bottom bitch omega wouldn't do it, no, he was lying the entire time. But, Katsuki could sit through all the lies because...

Because this was what he asked for, right?

. . .

Ashido rolled over on the floor in anger, fed up with the constant studying the friends had been doing for hours on end. Sero and Kaminari had forfeited already, beginning to play rock paper scissors. Kirishima was the only one who was focusing on what Bakugou was saying.

"Hey! Idiots! Yeah, you three, start paying attention or I'll take your phones for a week!" Katsuki screamed at his friends with annoyance.

"Not my phone! I'll listen to you I swear!" Ashido shouted, scrambling to sit back up straight. "I need social media." She sighed while picking up her pencil. Kaminari and Sero had already begun to write.

"Since when were you our mom? Geez." Sero muttered angrily under his breath, upset at the fact he didn't get to finish his game.

"Since I started teaching you fifth-grade math all over again!" Katsuki answered him, making his already burning throat hurt more. Ouch. He could taste blood in the back of his throat from how hard he was yelling.

"Haha! Hanta needs to go back to fifth-grade!" Kaminari laughed in his face, pointing at him.

"And you need to go back to second!" Ashido cut in and began to bicker as well. Bakugou was at his last nerve with his friends. "Also when did you two get on a first name basis?"

"Aren't we all on a first-name basis? We've been besties for like a year." Sero commented on her comment, continuing the line of comments.

"Pfft, only girls say 'besties'." Kaminari chuckled.

"And only girls paint their nails, Denki. But we let Ashdio paint ours, why?" Hanta scoffed as he chewed on the eraser of his pencil.

"Because Ashido is a cute girl! We'd do anything for her." He responded in a very 'matter of fact' way.

Completely done with his so-called friend's behavior he simply continued teaching Kirishima a couple of basic math expressions that would be on their next test. At least one of them actually cared about their grades. The redhead kept quietly jotting down his answers, holding up the best smile he could.

Something was totally wrong with him. When they were studying he was normally quite talkative while working. "Hey, is something wrong?" Kastsuki whispered, still reading over notes. He didn't get an answer for quite a while.

"No, I just noticed you smell different. Like you've been around someone for a really long time." Kirishima reassured him, making a remark about his new scent. "Did you hang out with someone while we were in detention?" He murmured.

Sudden flashbacks to what happened in the classroom came flying back to him. He probably picked up Todoroki's smell. Oh, he was in trouble now. Trying his best to come up with a quick lie, he smiled sheepishly.

"I kind of uh...Talked to some random first years-"

"You're lying." Kirishima nonchalantly cut him off, knowing his tone was iffy from the beginning.

"Todoroki and I met in the hallway after that we relaxed in homeroom is all! Don't think about it too much." Katsuki hurriedly said, dropping his pen and covering his face with his hands. Peeking through the cracks of his fingers he saw a smile plastered on Kirishima's face.

"Relaxed? I'd like you to further explain."

Katsuki's life could've flashed before his eyes at this point. What was he supposed to say right now? Admit to the actual situation or lie his way out of it. "Exactly what it sounds like. We had some vending machine drinks and talked." He scoffed in the most convincing tone he could muster.

"Whatever you say, Bakubro."

. . .

. . .

. . .

ah shit

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