Chapter 1: Death By Betrayal

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Letters & Other Papers
Harry's POV/Time Unknown:

I woke up after being stabbed in the back (literally) by Ron. But I was in a void like place. Where I saw my life, for what it really was. I was a puppet, a pawn, not even a knight. But then I heard a voice, it was icy cold yet somehow inviting. The voice said to me in the icy yet inviting tone "Master. I hope you learned, because you need to do it again. But not after I train you."

"I'm sorry, but who are you and who is your master?" I asked in a untrusting and scared tone.

"I am Death, and you are my master. You can possess all of the Deathly Hallows without going insane. So, you are my master and you will be my master for a very long time." Death said in a cold yet soothing voice.

Then he began to tell me, about what he would need to train me in. Plus, he told me who really killed my parents... I was shocked to say the least. But I was even more shocked when they came to see me! I ran to hug them and they hugged me back! They told me the true story, and that I have a creature.

Apparently, my mom and dad where actually spies for the dark. Dumbledore found out and killed them and tired to kill me, but because Tom was there Dumbledore used him as a human shield... I missed them so much! I told them stories of my adventures.

But then, Death had to interrupt (he was nice enough to let me finish a story). By saying in a cold yet soothing voice "I'm sorry to interrupt, master. But I must train you."

"Of course, thank you." I replied, in a warm voice.

"You won't be thanking for long." Death said in cold yet playful tone.

After that I trained for 10 years to master the art of potion making, Astronomy, Charms, Dark Arts, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Herbology, History of Magic, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination,  Muggle Studies, Study of Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Ancient Studies, Apparition, Occlumency, Legilimency, Control of Magic, Familiars, Wandless and Wordless Magic, Martial Arts, Sword Fighting, Archery, Use of Gun/knifes, Parselmouth, Parselmagic, etiquette, law, politics, and All Languages.

Only after I was a master in all of theses things, was I put back in my 10 year old body. But I knew better then to cower in fear, I knew to fight back. It was 4:50am June 20, 1991 when I got back.

Master Of Death: Back To First YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora