Chapter 5: Wand & Malfoys

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Trigger Warning: mature language, mature themes, angst, abuse, & self-harm.

I do not own Harry Potter!

Letters, Articles, & Other Papers
Harry's POV/8:03 am August 3, 1991:

I have been staying at Potter Manor for 2 days. It's been great, getting to know the lands and the creatures. But right now, I just flooed to Diagon Alley to do my school shopping. The first thing I did was actually go to Knockturn Alley to get my wand hand made. When I walked into a somewhat respectable wand shop, I was greeted by a Japanese witch. The witch said happily in greetings "Oh, hello! I'm Himari Yami. What can I do for you?"

"Hello, Miss. Yami. I would a like a wand." I replied happily.

"Please call me Himari. Anyway, come on over here to get your wood." Himari said happily.

After I got all of my ingredients for my wand, Himari then said happily "Ebony and Pine for the wood, a royal phoenix feather and a dementor cloak for the core, a red diamond for the stabilizer, and the entire wand soaked in basilisk venom. This will probably be the most powerful and complicated wand I've ever made! Oh, I'm so excited!"

"I'm sorry. But how much is my wand, and when will it be done?" I asked nervously.

"Oh! Of course, your wand will be 2,000 Galleons and will take me 2 hours." Himari replied happily.

"Well then, here is 1,000 Galleons I will pay you the rest in 2 hours." I said with a smile, while handing Himari the Galleons.

Next the place I went for my school supplies was Madam Malkin's. When I got there I saw Draco Malfoy getting fitted. Just like last time, Madam Malkin put me right next to him. Draco was complaining about being poked and prodded, I couldn't help but chuckle. That's when he noticed me, and yelled out shocked "You're Harry Potter!"

"Yeah, I am. It's nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Pleased to meet you as well." Draco said back, happily.

I smiled at him, and then we talked about quidditch until he had to leave. But we did promise to get some ice cream, at 12.

Then I went and got my books, pick up my wand, and my beautiful Hedwig. By then it was 11:50 to I quickly went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. When I got there I went straight over to the Malfoys and greeted them happily. Draco moved over for me to sit down. Then Lady Malfoy asked where my guardian was, I then shifted uncomfortably and said nervously "My aunt and uncle do not like me..."

"I was told you were treated like a prince." Lord Malfoy thought out loud.

"A prince!? Does a prince think his name is freak until he is 5!? Does a prince sleep in a cupboard!? Does a prince get beaten for asking a question!? Does a prince get starved!? Does a prince do all the chores!? Does a prince cook for a family he's not apart of!?" Yelled out in anger but by the end I was sobbing.

Lady Malfoy then ran over to hug me, and asked if she could do a scan me. I nodded slowly while still crying. When they finished reading the scan (Lord Malfoy read it as well), they said something that shocked me... They asked in unison "Would you like to be our adopted son?"

"You want me? Do you really?" I asked in a scared voice.

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