Chapter 2: Revenge On The Dursley's

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Letters & Other Papers
Harry's POV/4:50am June 20, 1991:

I woke up to the sound of Uncle Vernon yelling in a annoyed and impatient tone "Boy! Why aren't you making breakfast!"

I gracefully stepped out of the cupboard, and started making breakfast. But when Dudley pushed me into the kitchen sink, I kicked him in the stomach. Then I swiftly grabbed his arm and broke it. Next I made sure to give him a concussion, by banging his head on the frying pan.

Just then Aunt Petunia came in and began to yell, but I snapped my fingers to shut her up. But then Uncle Vernon came in but I just summoned a couple of throwing knifes, and threw them at him (barely missing). After all of that I said in a deathly low, and terrifying voice "I do not appreciate how you treat me. So, if you wish to live you must treat me with respect. Got it?"

The three of them frantically nodded there heads. I did a quick Evanesco to get rid of the knifes. I knew I needed to go to Gringotts to get emancipated and get my lord-ships rings. But I should do that later, because it was a school night.

The next day was Monday, the Monday of the last week of school. I woke up, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast. But as I started to eat breakfast Uncle Vernon tired to test his luck by yelling in a mad tone "I didn't say you could eat!"

But I just snapped my fingers and Vernon started crying and screaming in pain. Just as the bus arrived I snapped my fingers again to let Vernon free from the pain. But that was after 18 minutes. Anyway, I got on the bus and Dudley (now scared of me) ran to his best friend, Bentley. I just sat down next to a new girl, and said cheerfully "Hello, I'm Harry Potter. What's your name?"

"Hello, Harry. I'm Osalakwa Chikondi. Nice to meet you." The new girl replied, nervously and in a thick accent.

"I love you name. It means innocent love." I said with a smile.

Osalakwa eyes seemed to shine when I said I knew what her name meant. She then asked in her native tongue "Angathe inu mvetsetsa ine?" (Can you understand me?)

"Inde, ine angathe. Inu chikondi anu mawu." (Yes, I can. I love your accent) I replied happily and truthfully.

I did love her accent. Her voice was very smooth, and she was still confident even if she was new. We talked in her native language for the rest of the ride to school. But when we got there I was quickly pushed against a wall by John. So, I made a joke by saying in a playful voice "Hey Johnny, wanna make out?"

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