Chapter 6: Officially A Malfoy

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Trigger Warning: mature language, mature themes, angst, abuse, & self-harm.

I do not own Harry Potter!

Letters, Articles, & Other Papers
Harry's POV/12:27 pm August 3, 1991:

"You want me? Do you really?" I asked in a scared voice.

"Of course, we wouldn't have asked if we didn't." Lady Malfoy replied, in a soft and gentle tone.

"Thank you so much, Lady Malfoy!" I yelled happily while giving her a big hug.

After that we went straight to Gringotts, to get me adopted. When we got there, I went up to a teller and asked in Gobbledygook "Mister goblin, may I see the adoption goblin?"

"Of course, Lord Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Ravenclaw-Wyllt-Black." The goblin said back in Gobbledygook.

The goblin then pressed a button on his desk and asked for the adoption goblin. But while he was doing that Lord Malfoy asked curiously "You can speak. Gobbledygook?"

"Yup! I love to learn and I have a photographic memory." I said happily with a smile.

Just then the adoption goblin came out and said in English "Right this way."

When we got into the office, Joblin (the adoption goblin) asked "Do you know that Lord Harrison James Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Ravenclaw-Wyllt-Black, is completely independent? So, if you wish to adopt him it's only for formalities?"

"I did not." Lord Malfoy said thoughtfully.

"If you wish to talk about this, I can leave then come back." Joblin said.

"We would like that, thank you." Lady Malfoy replied, politely.

Joblin nodded then left. But right after he left, I started crying and saying sorry over and over again. But Lady Malfoy quickly started to calm me down. When I was calm Lord Malfoy asked in a confused yet worried tone "Why didn't you want to wait until someone came to help you? Why did you feel the need to be completely independent?"

"I did wait... I waited for 10 years, for someone anyone to show me the kindness you showed me... But when I got my letter, I knew this could be my only chance to be free of them. So, I took my chance." I replied nervously.

Soon enough, I was officially a member of the Malfoy family. My new name is Harrison James Potter-Malfoy. Then we quickly got the rest of our school supplies, and we had a lot of fun. You might be asking, why did you let yourself get adopted by the Malfoys? Well, I need a sure way to talk to Tom... So, that we could destroy Dumbledore together!

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