Chapter 11

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"They're here!" Robby calls to us, jumping up and down, clapping his hands in excitement. I stick my head out of the barn door and see the black Ford pickup truck coming down the driveway, a horse trailer hitched to the back.

Everyone is in the barn working diligently to prepare the two stalls that the new horses will be living in. Me and mom cleaned them out and now Darry's laying the fresh hay down on the floor. Daddy opens both barn doors and steps out into the sunlight, waving the driver over toward us.

He backs up to the barn and slowly guides the trailer into the open doors. I'm so excited to meet them. I can't wait to see who comes out of that trailer. I can hear them both as they whinny, anxious about the ride, I assume. When the truck stops, Daddy walks over and opens the first door. A magnificent chestnut brown mare steps out onto the barn floor. She looks around at all of us, but keeps her head low, making slow, unsure movements at first. Mom and I guide her to her stall and run our hands down her shiny coat. I try to speak soothingly to her, but she's unsure of me and backs away to the backside of the stall.

I turn around just in time to see the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life. A solid black stallion comes out of the trailer with every bit of confidence in his new surroundings as he'd have if he'd been living here his whole life. He struts around the barn, checking us out. He moves over to the stall that the new mare is in, and she comes to him, putting her head out of the stall to greet him. They move to each other, putting their noses together and blow air into each other's nostrils.

"They're in love!" I cry, smacking Darry on the arm in my excitement. He smiles at me, and without thinking, he leans down, kissing the top of my head, in front of everyone. "I know how he feels", he says, and everyone turns toward us, mouths and eyes wide open in shock.

I give a nervous giggle and look from my mom's oddly knowing expression to my dad's confused and very lost expression, back to Darry, who now looks like a deer caught in headlights.

"Uh, um, ....yeah" he stammers over his words, trying to give them somewhat of an explanation, but not being very successful.

"Well, I guess it's OK to tell you now. Darry and I are dating", I say, very matter-of-factly.

My mom claps her hands together and comes to hug us both. "I am so happy for the both of you! This is fantastic news!" she shouts with joy and retreats to the barn office. I suspect she's going to call Darry's mom.

My dad walks over and lifts his hand, we both flinch, thinking he's about to deck Darry for staying in my room last night. But he shakes his hand instead and says, "It's about time. I couldn't have picked a better match myself", he winks at me and pats Darry on the back, still shaking his hand, and then goes back to the stallion that Robby is having a hard time pulling into his stall.

"Daddy, do you need us anymore right now?" I ask, "Darry has some chores that he needs to get done for Mr. and Mrs. Williams, and I'd like to help him." We hear a loud, happy squeal come from the behind the office door and we all bust out laughing. Mom and Mrs. Williams are very excited at our news.

"They're planning your wedding already, you know?" Daddy says, teasing us, "Nah, I can handle this here, y'all go get things done over at the Williams' farm. See you later."

We waste no time and turn to run out of the barn. Darry reaches back and grabs my hand, taking me at his speed into the tree line that sits between our properties. Once we're good and hidden by the trees, he stops running and turns to me. Grabbing me, he pulls me into him, his hand at the back of my head, he bends down and kisses me. I feel him smile across my lips and he kisses me again. I let my body go limp in his arms, being overly dramatic, and he has to hold me up.

"I can't believe you just did that!!" he says with a proud smirk on his face, "You're crazy! But I'm glad you did. Their reaction was great! I thought for sure your dad would be angry with me."

I smile at him and wrap my arms around his waist, putting my cheek against his chest. "They know we love each other, Darry. They know you love me. What more could they want for me?" He smiles at me and grabs my hand, walking us to his house, both of us knowing we're about to face his parents, who already know thanks to my mom.

When we walk through the front door and we can hear the murmured voices toward the back of the house where the kitchen is. Darry leads me back to the kitchen door, never letting go of my hand and pushes it open, slowly peeking his head through, unsure of what we're walking into.

"Ohh!" I hear Mrs. Williams cry out. Darry pulls me through the door just in time for me to see her jump out of her chair and cross the room to greet us. She grabs my face in her hands and pulls me to her, planting a kiss on my cheek. Then looking at Darry, she smacks him on the chest and asks, "Why were you hiding this from us, Daryl Norman?" He flinches and explains that we've only started dating last night. But he adds, "I've just loved her all of my life", and his mom is over the moon. I actually picture her and my mom planning our wedding over the phone and laugh out loud. They both turn to me, forcing me to explain myself. "I was just thinking of you and mom, sitting around planning a wedding that we haven't even talked about yet", and she snorts her laugh through her nose.

Darry looks at me and raises one eyebrow at me and I know the only word he's thinking about is "Yet". His dad is still sitting at the table across the room, when he catches our eyes he gives us a big smile and winks, giving us a thumbs up. A much calmer reaction. I appreciate the tameness to his response.

Darry asks if there are any chores he needs to get done and his dad tells us he and Beth got them all done this morning while we were preparing to bring in the new horses. "So, we're free to go then?" Darry asks, and I elbow him in the side. I don't know why, but it seems rude to ask like that.

"His dad looks up at us from over the top of his glasses and smiles, "You're free to go", he says, "But be back before afternoon tomorrow this time please." Darry grabs my hand and whirls me around, pulling me through the door. I can hear Mr. Williams laughing in the kitchen at his son's exuberance.

"Where are we going, Darry?!" I scream as he pulls me out the front door. "You'll see" is all he replies, looking back at me with a huge grin spread across his gorgeous face. I can't help but feel excited too. This is our first day together as a real couple and his hyper-energy is seriously contagious. He looks back to check my expression and sends my heart aflutter. I love how he looks at me. His face screams his love for me, especially in his eyes and the way the corners of his mouth turn up every time he sees me. I can't help but think how lucky I am. 

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