Chapter 16

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By the time we get back to my house, most of the lights inside are off. Darry parks and walks around to open my door. We walk up to the front porch and he grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips. "I had a wonderful time tonight", he tells me, playfully, winking at me. "I'd love to see you again sometime."

"I had a great time too. That was amazing! But I don't know. I might need to think about a second date." I tease him.

"Oh, you will, huh?" he says, picking me up and putting me over his shoulder. "I don't think so." He opens the front door and carries me into the foyer, both of us laughing. "Ahem", we hear my dad clear his throat and realize he's in the livingroom, sitting on the couch. Darry immediately puts me down and straights up, stepping one step away from me for good measure.

"H-h-hi, Daddy. Were you waiting up for me?" I ask, nervously.

"Well, I guess I was. Do you kids know that it's after midnight? We haven't heard from either of you since this morning. We've tried calling and texting both of you", he says calmly. My heart is in my throat as he continues, "Your mom and me were worried about you both. We'd appreciate it, if y'all know you're gonna be out all day, if you'd give us a call or a text so we don't sit around worrying about you." We both agree and he gets up to cross the room coming over to kiss my cheek and pat Darry on the back.

"You're staying the night, Darry?" Daddy asks.

"If that's OK with you, sir. I'd like to", he tells him.

"That's OK with us, but you need to go talk to your parents, son. They've been worried too." he tells him, pointing to the door.

"Oh yeah, absolutely, sir. I'm going right now", he tells him as he bends down to kiss the top of my head. "I'll see you in a few minutes." And he turns to rush out of the door. I wait to hear him start his car and pull down the driveway, but he doesn't. I assume he's walking over, through the trees.

"Thank you, Daddy", I tell him when Darry's gone. "I didn't mean to let you and Mom worry. I'm so sorry. It won't happen again."

"I know it won't, baby girl. I know that y'all are adults now, but please just remember you both still have families at home that worry about you when they don't hear from you. Where were y'all, anyway? Did you have a good time?" he asks, making all of my anxiety melt away.

"Oh Daddy! Darry took me on a surprise trip to the Falls! It was the most incredible time of my life." He sat and listened to me tell him all about the cliff diving and how beautiful the lake and the falls were. His eyes lighting up when I described the scenery and worry coming across his brow when I told him about the jumps from the top of the cliff. I reach out and put my hand over his, "I'm OK, Daddy. It was fun and we weren't the only people diving. It's something they do there a lot." He relaxes but asks that I not tell him if we decide to go out jumping again, he doesn't think his heart can take the thought of his little girl doing something like that, and I agree not to say anything.

We hug and say goodnight. I run upstairs to change into my nightgown and put on some clean white socks. I turn off the lights in my room and sit out on the roof, waiting on Darry's lantern light to shine through the trees; my signal that he's coming back to me. I look up at the sky and see all of the stars dotting the black backdrop. It's absolutely beautiful.

As I sit, I scan my eyes over the front of the farm. In the dark like this it's difficult to make out the finer details, but I am so familiar with everything that my mind automatically adds in what can't be seen at night with the naked eye.

The white picket fence that runs down the length of the dirt driveway is very visible in the bright moonlight. It's a full moon tonight, so that helps. And I can see the fields that span out to either side of the fence. Up to the right of the circular part of the driveway that's in front of the porch, I can make out the smaller barn and beside it to the right, the bigger barn where the animals are. I keep checking back to see if Darry's coming yet, but he's not.

I lay my head on my knees and turn my head to the direction of the tree line and the Williams' farm. A few minutes pass and I hear Darry come out onto his front porch. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I promise I won't let it happen again. I have to go though, Alley's waiting on me", I hear him telling his parents. "OK, I know. I promise. I love y'all, goodnight." I hear the screen door close and then I hear him running toward the trees; the sound of the gravel moving under his sneakers. I see the light bouncing in his hands as he enters the tree line and the light disappears into the darkness and thickness of the trees.

I see the light break through the darkness and know he's here. I let out a sigh, not even realizing I was holding my breath. I decide not to go back into the room just yet. I'll wait for him out here.

I hear the screen door open on the front porch and then close again. Darry's coming up the stairs and then my bedroom door opens. He sits the lantern on the table next to my door, as usual and scans the room for me. "Alice?" I hear him whisper, calling out for me. "Oh, I know where you are", he says and then I see his cute face poke through my window. "Whatcha doin? Waiting for me?", a little grin creeping over his lips.

I smile and nod. "Come on out, the sky is magical tonight." I say and pat the roof beside me.

He climbs out, clumsily, and steps onto the roof beside me, sitting down, he pulls his knees to his chest. He wraps one long arm around his knees and the other around my shoulders, pulling me in close to him. He kisses my head and I lay it on his shoulder.

"Isn't this the best sky you've ever seen, Darry?", I ask.

"I've never seen anything more beautiful", he replies, and I look up at him. But he's not looking at the stars, he's looking at me. I feel the flush come over my face and even in the dark, Darry knows I'm blushing. "You're so cute when you blush", he tells me, smiling at me.

We lean into each other and our lips meet. "I love you, Darry", I say into his kiss. He turns his body toward me, wrapping his arms around me, he kisses me harder.

We lay back and warmth washes over my entire body, leaving my head feeling all tingly. Darry is so gentle and so attentive, knowing me better than I know myself. He brushes away the loose strands of hair that have caught on the side of my mouth and traces the shape of my face with his thumb, leaning in to kiss my jaw line, and then my nose. He kisses my eye lids and then back to my lips. As he moves, so gentle and loving me fully, I imagine this is what they mean when they say you'll see fireworks. I imagine the stars are shining right now, just for us. Happiness comes over me and I can't fight back the tears. They roll down from my eyes onto the side of my face. "Are you OK?" Darry asks, anxiously. "Are you hurt?"

I pull his face to mine and kiss his beautiful lips again. "No, Darry, I'm fine. This is perfect. I love you so much."

He smiles and caresses the side of my cheek with his finger and thumb, "I love you too, Alley. More than anything or anyone in this world. I'm so thankful to God for giving you to me, and me to you. I can't imagine ever being without you", he tells me, in his sweetest voice. He sits up suddenly and turns his back to me for a minute, his arms wrapped around his knees again, looking out over our family farms. I can see he's in deep thought about something.

When he turns back, he says, "Alley, I don't have anything to give you. All I can offer you... is... me, and I know this is very fast, but I've loved you my whole life. Alice...", he says, grabbing both of my hands and pulling me up to face him. "Please, make my heart whole again... marry me?"

What?! Marry him? Marriage? I can't wrap my head around what I've just heard. My eyes must be giving my thoughts away because Darry's face changes from overjoyed to worry to defeat within a matter of seconds.

I snap back to reality and say, "Yes!! Darry! Of course, I will marry you! Are you kidding me? It's not fast, we've been together for eighteen years!" he smiles and embraces me, bringing me in tightly to him. "What took you so long anyway?" I ask, teasing him. He pulls back from me so he can see my face and laughs at me and my dorkiness.

When we move to the bedroom, his eyes are glowing with excitement and love every time he looks at me. We lay in my bed holding each other. I assume he's quiet because he's trying to process all of the life changing events that have just taken place in such a short time, the same as me.

I meant what I said to him. I love him and I couldn't imagine and wouldn't want to imagine a life without him or with either of us being with anyone else. But it was a surprise too. I just got used to the thought of us as an us. And now we're engaged? Well... at least I know our parents will be thrilled for us. I don't have to worry about how they'll react at the news tomorrow. Tomorrow? Will he want to tell them tomorrow?

We fall asleep in each other's arms. I feel at ease, complete even. Nothing could mess this up or take away this serenity I'm feeling right now. Nothing.

Sweet LanternOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora