Chapter 36

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The sand is hot under our bare feet. The sun is beaming down on us as we walk along the shore. It's our last day to soak it in and enjoy ourselves. Our flight leaves early tomorrow morning and by evening we'll be back in Cedar Ridge.

"The baby's kicking again, Darry", Alice tells me, stopping to grab my hand and pulling it to her belly.

It's the most amazing feeling and the weirdest feeling all at the same time. The kicks aren't very strong, it's just like tiny little bumps against her skin from time to time, but I love when she puts my hand to her and how excited she gets.

I wonder what it feels like for her, to have some tiny little being inside of her, kicking her from the inside. She says it doesn't hurt, it's like little flutters, but I don't think anyone can understand just what that means, unless they actually feel it.

She doesn't seem uncomfortable with the kicking, she's in more pain when things start stretching and moving in response to the growth of the baby. That's awful to watch and not being able to do anything to help her really bothers me. Thankfully, right now she seems to be OK.

"I wonder if the baby can hear the waves and the seagulls?" I ask, more to myself than to her really. "The books say that the baby can hear us, right?"

"Yeah, I think so", she tells me, her head cocked sideways while she looks at me thoughtfully, smiling at my curiosity. "I adore how much you want to know about all of this. I doubt most men would care so much." She says, leaning in to kiss me. "I'm one lucky girl."

"I love you. I love our baby too. I'm curious about their growth and development. I find it intriguing... all the different things happening to you right now and all the magical things happening inside of you. It's pretty cool. You're making a human being, Alice. A tiny little version of you and me, combined. Like, you're actually carrying another life inside of you right now. I mean, I can't do that. You're seriously amazing."

She leans into me, laying her head on my arm as we walk down the beach some more. Hugging my arm to her at the same time, she turns to kiss my shoulder. "It is pretty cool, isn't it?" She says.

Before we leave, I want to take her to the Aquarium. I've already bought the tickets, as sort of a last honeymoon surprise. I got them while she was sleeping last night. It's a bit of a drive down the coast, almost two hours, but it'll be worth it I'm sure.

"Babe, how about a drive? I want to see as much of the coast as possible. Do you think you'd be up for it?" I ask her, praying she says yes. I don't want to tell her what I'm up to yet, so I'm hoping she will just go along with me.

"That actually sounds nice. I'd like to see more too. When do you want to go? Now?"

"Yes, ma'am, now works for me. If you will grab some snacks from the room and some drinks for us, I'll go rent a car at that rental place across the street."

I'm so glad that our moms put the honeymoon jar out at the reception. People in Cedar Ridge may not have much to speak of, but what they do have, they are generous with. We had more than enough for a pretty decent honeymoon, without having to worry about anything. I'm incredibly grateful to our friends and family. I have to remember to thank each person that gave individually when we get home.

We've been taking lots of photos, maybe we'll pick our favorite and have it printed as a postcard and send thank you notes too. That would be neat, then everyone would get to see what they helped pay for. I like it.

When I get to the car rental place, they have sedans, minivans, a couple of trucks and one car that stands out to me. It's like God placed it there himself, especially for us, just for today. It's a cherry red 2018 mustang convertible with a black drop top. Perfect!

I drive up to the front doors of the hotel in the car and Alice doesn't recognize me at first. She's not expecting me to pull up in a car like this. When I step out, she gasps, and her eyes get really big. "Wow! Darry! That's beautiful! Can I drive it?"

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