Chapter 42

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Tonight's the game against Morrow and it's our time to regain our dignity as a team. They killed us last season. We looked like a bunch of toddlers out there trying to figure out where to put the ball. But not tonight. We've worked hard to get here, with this very game in mind the whole time, through each and every practice. To say the guys are hyped would be an understatement.

The entire school is ready, the excitement in the halls and in the classrooms is just crazy! Everyone is talking about tonight, even the teachers are stoked and ready. Which means classes are easy today, barely any work at all, it's more talk. Some of the teachers are handing out light reading assignments, feeling like they have to put on the show of earning their pay checks, but even those classes are full of football game chatter.

Matt's sitting next to me in Science, going back and forth between our chapter reading and talking about tonight. "Man, we're gonna have such a big comeback tonight, I know it. I wish there were going to be scouts in the stands, we'd all get offers! We've kicked butt so far this year, undefeated, and we'll carry that off the field with us tonight too... watch." He says, full of confidence and adrenaline. He looks back at his book, and I just smile at his enthusiasm. "Yeah, man, we're gonna leave em' crying..."

The lunch bell rings, and we head out the door, ready to eat. "I'm starving! I hope they have something edible in there today." I say to Matt, who's already pulling an apple from his bookbag. "Yeah, me too, dude. I need some sustenance, for real." He says, lifting his shirt and patting his stomach, acting like he's starving to death and going to wither away. I laugh as I walk through the double doors that lead into the cafeteria, ready to pick up my tray and fill it with carbs and junk food, when I look over at our table and see the most beautiful eyes in the world looking back at me. I hurry over to her.

"Hey babe! I didn't expect to see you here." I tell her, reaching down to kiss those amazing lips.

She says she missed me and just wanted to come surprise me, which I am more than over the moon about.

We eat the chicken and rice that she brought and play with her moving belly and then it's time for her to leave and for us to go back to class. She walks me out into the hall, and we part ways, me going to History and her going out to the car to head home.

Classes seem to go by so slow for the rest of the day. I hate when she's not here with me.

When the last bell rings, me and Joel and Kevin race for the door, ready to get to the gym to change into our uniforms and Kevin just following along. There was no real need to race for the door though, as we were only racing each other. The rest of the class waited behind for us to go first, as is customary on game day. It's one of the many perks of being on the Varsity team. We all bang into each other at the door, fighting for the doorknob, laughing at each other. Joel wins and opens the door, we bolt out into the hallway, meeting the other guys on the team and jog off toward the gym.

Matt meets us at the door, "Ready?" he asks, waving bye to Kevin as he goes out to sit in the bleachers to wait for the girls. He's not into the whole contact sports thing, so he only comes to the games to support us and cheer us on.

The locker room is loud and chaotic as guys are changing into their uniforms and getting each other all riled up. I can't help but smile at all of these fools, knocking into each other and screaming and whooping and hollering. Idiots. I think to myself, shaking my head, affectionately. I love these guys, they're like family to me. Most of us have been on football teams together since we were really young, and we've grown up having each other's backs.

"Hey, Williams! You gonna show out and remind that hot wife of yours why she married you tonight or what?" Kyle Wiley yells across the locker room and everyone starts laughing.

"I don't need to remind her on the field, believe that. She's well aware of why she married me, every day. What about you? Will your girl be sitting out there to cheer you on?" I ask, teasing him because I know his girlfriend's only in the 10th grade and can't drive herself to our games yet.

"Ohhhhh!!" they all call out, and Kyle shakes his head at me, taking a seat on the bench he was standing beside.

I stand up and raise my arms in the air, "What man? You quiet now?" I smile, taunting him, turning to grab my shoulder pads to pull them down over my head. Joel stands up next to me, patting me hard on the back, "He's just jealous cause your girl can stay out past dark", he says loud enough for Kyle to hear. Kyle just shakes his head and looks down smiling in defeat.

"Man, y'all leave Gabby alone. She's only two years younger than all of us", Kyle says defending his choice in girlfriends.

We all laugh and wait for coach to come in. Ten minutes til game time!

When coach is done with his pre-game pep talk, we jog toward the door, all of us eager to break through and head out onto the field to start this game.

When the doors open, we hear the call of the crowd come blaring through. Both sets of bleachers are covered, people are elbow to elbow. The field is lit up and the stands are roaring. I feel the goosebumps crawl up my arms and back down my neck. I love the way this feels. It's an amazing feeling, especially when that adrenaline kicks in.

We run the game.

Morrow wasn't prepared for us because they were expecting to come in and wipe the field with us like they did last year. Between me, Matt and Joel, and the rest of the team, honestly, we keep them guessing and they have no idea what to do.

The energy in the air is contagious and it helps to keep us focused and determined to win this for all the eyes watching us, waiting and cheering us on.

With the last touchdown, the people in the stands on our side jump to their feet, screaming and whooping and hollering. I turn to look at the board, the final score is 49-21, Cedar Ridge High football team came back in a big way!

"Holy crap, dude!! Woooohooo!!!" Matt screams in my ear as he jumps up and pushes himself off of my shoulders. "We freaking did it, man!!"

Joel is running up right behind him, coming around to high-five me, "Yeah!! They know now, don't they?!" Joel says, a huge victorious grin across his red face. "Who's ya daddy now?" he screams at the other team, that simply dismisses him and walks away toward the parking lot.

"Way to be good sports guys", I laugh and shake my head, taking my helmet off.

"Darry! That was amazing! You guys were awesome!" I hear the sweetest voice call out and then I feel her body bump against me. She throws her arms around my neck and is kissing me, excitedly, before I even have time to comprehend what's happening.

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