Chapter 17: Closure

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*Bolin Pov*

Bolin: Your a FireBender Opal!?

Opal: Uh...Yeah...Shocker Huh? Hehe....

*She had stood still as the Hooded Figures looked at them with all of them deciding to charge at them full on.*

Hooded Figures: Die Metal Clan Filth!!

*They where about to throw another smoke grenade at them before Opal had acted quickly and used her leg to blast fire at them sending them back. From everyone hearing loud noises outside. Suyin, Lin, Rivin, Aiwei, Kai had walked outside.*

Kai: What the HELL is all this noise!?

Bolin: N-Ninja's!! Bending...Gone for a bit...Opal FireBender!!

Rivin: Wait, What!?

*The Hooded figures looked over seeing they would be outnumbered and this wasn't what they where needed to do here so they began to run away.*

Hooded Figure: Retreat!! We already have what we need!

*They all jumped off the ledges and made there escape by them having there body armor give off a flight suit and they glided away. Lin had rushed over and looked extremely angered Before looking at Suyin.*

Lin: "Safest City" in the world Sis?!

Suyin: I'm just as mad about this as you Lin. I don't know how those people got in! Aiwei, you made sure they weren't followed in correct?

Aiwei: Yes, I did my lady. I promise.

Kai: Something is going on. And I don't like it.

Rivin: What are you talking about?

Kai: I think there's a spy here.

Lin: Well...not the worst idea.

Suyin: Lin, If there was a spy we would know. Aiwei is a Truth seer. This..."Shredder" individual you speak of could just be sending people across the world to look for you all. But I promise you will all be safe here.

Lin: That is the biggest load of crap and you know it Su! I've had enough of you, I'm taking matters into my own hands and having Korra leave with me. I need to- *Made a painful grunt as she held her head*

Aiwei: Are you Okay Ms?

Lin: I'm fine...I just have a headache is all. I'll be fine.

Aiwei: It doesn't take a Truth Seer to know that you aren't doing okay. You need to deal with your meta issues or else it will get worse.

Lin: I'm not going to talk about my feelings.

Aiwei: I know this acupuncturist. *Gave her a card* You won't have to say a word.

Lin: *Looked at it* Hm.

Kai: And where would we go exactly? We are basically wanted all across the world. Here we can at least defend ourselves.

*Rivin was sitting down next to Bolin who was holding four fingers infront of him to check his vision.*

Bolin: Four, right?

Rivin: Yes.

Bolin: *Stands up* Okay, are we gonna at all talk about that Opal is a fire bender?!

Rivin: That does seem a bit odd. Opal did you father have any FireBender ancestors by chance?

Opal: Oh well...I don't think so.

Suyin: This is all strange but let's just move on and focus on the important issue.

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