The Bite of '83 [prologue 1]

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I couldn't believe what I saw.....Chris......was the only words that escaped my mouth. My mind went blank. He's dead, he's just....dead. I walked up to Calvin's brother, Fritz.


Michael: "I-I didn't know! WE didn't know! Oh god!"

Gabriel: "Jesus man, JESUS!"

William: "Y/n! Come here! We need to address the issue. You four stay there."

Susie: "O-okay."

-In the office-

Henry: "The company could entirely be ruined for the action of our Animatronics."

William: "Henry. It's fine, we have to cover it up."

Y/n: "What?"

Henry: "Are you insane??"

William: "Hey, both of you, hear me out. The company will fall under, and the lawsuits will only make it worse. I have an idea that can keep everything under the dark, and keep our business going, okay?"

Henry: "I don't know..."

Y/n: "You can't seriously be considering this."

Henry: "Y/n: You are only a 15 year old kid, you wouldn't understand."

Y/n: "If your doing this, I'm out. I'm done. I don't need this crap." I left out in a hurry, because I treated Chris very nice as a friend, and they are gonna put him under the bus like that? If I stay, I feel like I would be stomping on his grave.

-1 month later-

I was sitting on my parents couch when I got a call on my phone.

Y/n: "Hello?"

Henry: "Y/n? Thank god! I need you to come to my office now! not ASAP, NOW!" He hung up before I could say anything. I didn't know what was going on, but I went out on my bike to see what Henry needed. I came up to the building and knocked on his office. "Oh, Y/n! Come in, quick!" He pulled me inside. I had noticed everything had been boarded up, and dusty a little.

Y/n: "What happened to your business?"

Henry: "It's William. You were right. He has gone mad.

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Henry: "That whole 'Plan' of his was killing the children responsible for Chris' accident."

Y/n: "WHAT?!"

Henry: "Yes, we had this business closed, and was focused on Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. I had never knew he had stuffed those kids inside them.

Y/n: "Okay, so he killed five kids responsible for Chris...and stuffed them inside the other animatronics?"

Henry: "Well, that's the thing...He killed 2 more kids in the process, and the bodies haven't been found."

Y/n: "He's just killing for fun now?"

Henry: "Well, one of them was my daughter, and I don't know who the other kid was. I think he was torn up about his son and daughter. I don't know, but I think they haunt those robots as they attacked William. This caused him to destroy the animatronics, but the ghosts had came back out and attacked William again. This time He had tried on the Springbonnie suit and the spring locks inside failed and crushed him to death.:

Y/n: "MMhmm. Okay, so what's the problem? He's dead now, right?"

Henry: "No, he got back up, like his body transferred to the suit. He escaped."

Y/n: "Jesus, what the fuck type of voodoo shit is in this place?"

Henry: "The kids only got madder after that, repaired the robots as best they could, and took off."

Y/n: "So what am I to do." Afton just pointed at the Fredbear suit.

Henry: "We need to find him."

Mega: {Re-Edited}

Mega: {Re-Re-Edited}

{Mega: "New series everyone. A great Fnaf story will be told here. This is an Adventure/Romance type of thing. So I hope this will be popular."}

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