SpringBonnie [Prologue 2]

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Y/n: "You want me to die?! Am I hearing this correctly?"

Henry: "Yes."

Y/n: "Did you become insane too?"

Henry: "Look, anyone who died here either vanished, or came back. My theory should be proven by your life."

Y/n: "Am I forced to do this?"

Henry: "No, but I will go if you won't."

Y/n: "But I have a whole life ahead of me."

Henry: "Look, we are dead either way. Henry knows the people who witnessed Chris' accident. He is after you and me. So its survival at this point. And also, you could live a longer life in there than out there."

Y/n: "How come I can't just, like, go after him without it?"

Henry: "Because as a robot, he is stronger and faster than you. He doesn't run out of breath, he doesn't feel pain, maybe not. There are feel sensors in the robots."

Y/n: "Great, I can feel myself in pain while he stabs my robot."

Henry: "There isn't anything to do from here on out. Its us or him. More lives are at stake, and I have a daughter to think about."

Y/n: "I'll do it."

Henry: "What?"

Y/n: "I will do it, but send my parents a suicidal letter so they don't know about this, okay?"

Henry: "Okay, but you can customize it first if you'd like."

Y/n: "Cool, always wanted to customize my own robot!"

-1 week later-

My new body was finished. I kept the color the same, and gave him muscle enhancements. I did some digging around and it has a dick....okay. I gave it some retractable shadow armor and a mask to go with it. Any other details will have to wait.

Henry: "Are you...ready?"

Y/n: ".....Yeah....See you on the other side."  Afton then opens the robot up and I step inside. As it closed on me, my breathing went uneasy, as I never used the suit for safety reasons, and now that I am in it, I am going to make it fail and kill me on purpose. This seemed like a bad idea, but Henry was going to do it, so I would have to bear with the worst pain I will ever feel. As I felt the spring locks fail, They first crushed my hands and feet. I felt the extreme pain as I screamed in agony as I stumble a bit and fall backwards. The arms and legs also got crushed as well. "Fucking hell!!!" I screamed out as I felt my ribs get punctured by metal, as well as my stomach had gotten stabbed through. The smaller spring locks locked around my face and some around the eyes, even so far as to puncture the eyelids and pull them down. Another in my jaw, and around my mouth, keeping my teeth exposed. One more punctured through my throat, making it hard and struggling to breathe. I mostly was just choking out for air and to scream. After a good few minutes, I finally died. The pain was finally over.

Chris: "Y/n?"  I wake up to see Chris, surrounded in the black.

Y/n: "Chris!" I ran up and hugged him. "Guess I did die then?"

Chrs: "No...Im not dead. Im passing between worlds. I can't go to either one. I can't be a ghost nor be in heaven."

Y/n: "Weird, so your stuck?" He nods. "Does that mean im stuck?"

Chris: "No. I just wanted to see you one last time in case I can't go anywhere."

Y/n: "Buddy, don't worry, ill find a way."

Chris: "Thanks, you should go."

Y/n: "Oh, did your brother come here?"

Chris: "Yeah, he promised me that when I go back, he will protect me, he went to find William."

Y/n: "Then I will run into him."

I woke up, looking taller. I look down and see my 'bear' hands. I looked up to see a pretty rabbit.

Rabbit girl: "Oh! He's awake Afton!"

Y/n: "W-wow. It worked."

Henry: "How do you feel?"

Y/n: "A little heavy, and my entire body is hurting in pain, but other than that I feel fine."

Rabbit Girl: "Well, I am Springbonnie. I'm here to help you!"

Y/n: "Did one of the kids stay here?"

Henry: "No, I built her to help you on the mission. She is a pure A.I. Animatronic."

Y/n: "Well, I am Y/n."

Springbonnie: "Nice to meet you."

Y/n: "What's our first target, boss?"

Henry: "You will move out at night to Freddy Fazbear Jr's. That is the new place that opened up, and maybe the shipment of, uh, THEM, are there too."

Y/n: "Well, no time to waste. Springbonnie? You ready?"

Springbonnie: "Yep! Lets go!"   She seems pretty cheery. I think she could be my first friend.


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