His thoughts, her thoughts

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Derek was surprised at what Kara had done. Yes, of course, what Julia said might be true that she wasn't playing by the rules. But what of that? It was only a game. And yet now, hours afterwards, he still couldn't seem to get Kara off his mind. Her boldness, her tenacity, and especially the way she made him feel when she was holding onto him and not letting go. And then, when he had detached himself from her arms he immediately and without thought put his arms around her.

Derek realized he shouldn't really be thinking about Kara. After all, it was Julia whom he really cared for. Lady Julia, to be exact, for she was the daughter of Duke Odo, the man in charge of the city. And Kara? She was only a baker's daughter, with no connection to royalty or chivalry. And yet, Derek had to admit that he did like her. He had seen that right off when he visited her father's bakery. There was something about the girl. Something interesting. Something he didn't understand.

* * *

Kara needed to talk to someone about her feelings. Her sister Anna was too young and her real mother was long deceased. She knew what she would do. After finishing at the bakery she would go to see her friend Amelia at her father's dyer shop.

She entered the door and was greeted by an old man who motioned to her that Amelia was in the back. Walking through the door she saw her. Amelia looked up from her work and came immediately to the front to greet her friend with a hug.

"So good to see you!"

"Yes, it's been too long. Are you busy now because I can come back later."

"Not so busy that I can't stop to visit a while."

Kara thought she would start with something everyone knew, something on the mind of the whole town. "I'm so afraid, Amelia. I mean with what we've told about the Saracens."

"I know. Everyone is. I pray each night that somehow they won't come."

"Yes, though with Toulouse being the largest town, it's not surprising."

Amelia shook her head and putting a hand on Kara's arm said, "Kara, let's not talk about it. It's too upsetting. I try not to even think about it."

Kara wasted no further time in getting to what she really wanted to talk about. "Amelia, I met a man. . ."

Immediately Amelia seemed to be all ears, bending toward her friend. "Tell me more."

"Yes. He just walked into the store. I happened to be the one tending the counter that day and he wanted to buy some cherry tarts."

"Go on. Go on."

"Yes, well we were out of them at the time he came which was later in the day then than most people buy their bread and desserts. So I told him we have some cherry flavored cookies left and that tomorrow we would bake more tarts. Well he took a couple of them and asked my name and if he would see me the next day. Of course, I had to tell him that Gabriela is usually the one who works in the store."

"That's it? You only saw him in the bakery?"

"Oh, no. To make a long story short he came by one day and saw me going to the fish market and asked to see me. Either at the Saturday night dances on the square or at the baths. Well, you know me, having to get up so early to bake the bread and all. So, I met him at the baths."

"Really! That just seems a bit unusual for a first time."

"I know, but after getting clean I met him in the pool. But unfortunately, he wasn't alone. He was with his friend Marcus and Julia."

"Kara, you never told me his name."

"It's Derek. I'm pretty sure he's a knight. Why? Would you know of him?"

"Derek! Oh, yes Kara I know of Derek. He's the young knight that has been seen with Julia, who is more properly to be known as Lady Julia, the daughter of Duke Odo."

"Oh my!" sighed Kara. "I had no idea. Derek introduced us to each other only by our first names. I don't know if I would have done what I did had I known Lady Julia was the daughter of the most powerful man not only of Toulouse but of all Aquitaine." Kara had been standing as she talked to Amelia, but now she pulled out a stool from under the work counter and sat down. She was a bit overwhelmed that Derek's friend was none other than the duke's daughter.

Amelia stood next to her, facing her, eager for more of what Kara could tell her. "But Kara, I'm dying to know, what did you do?"

We were tossing a ball in the water and then the three of them began playing keep away from me. So, in desperation, just when Marcus was going to throw it to Derek I grabbed hold of Derek thinking I could then turn around and pick up the ball in the water. But when I was holding him our eyes met and I just couldn't let go. Then, he removed my arms and his put his arms around me. Amelia, it was just so beautiful."

"Aha, now I understand. Kara, he likes you! I think he more than likes you."

Kara could see her friend's enthusiasm and yet she was still dismayed. Shaking her head, she said softly, "Amelia, I am only a girl, and Julia is practically a princess. What knight with the chance of winning a princess could have any interest in a commoner?"

"But he already has taken an interest in you, Kara. That's already happened. And surely, when he held you and looked into your eyes there must have been some feeling there on his part as well as yours. Kara, whatever happens, don't count yourself out. You like him, right?"

"I do."

"And he likes you too or he would not have invited you to be with him and Julia and his friend."

"I guess you're right."

"So, don't be at all discouraged. Just be yourself. You're a beautiful person. If, or I should say, when he asks you out again be Kara and enjoy being with him."

Kara looked up at her friend and rising from the stool stood up and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Amelia. I will do just that, I mean if he ever does ask me out again."

"He will, Kara, I really believe he will. If he doesn't then he doesn't deserve you. A man who would take a woman because of her title or position is not a man a woman wants. Far better a man who cares for a woman because he finds love in her arms."


Dyer: In medieval times a dyer's job was to add color to clothes. It was a recognized craft, for people liked colorful clothing then as now and would pay to have it done well.

Note: Aquitaine is the southwestern part of present day France. It was once a powerful kingdom of its own.

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