It's getting serious

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More than she wanted to let on, Kara remained upset by her brother's words. That same night in the bedroom she shared with Anna, she couldn't sleep, playing out in her mind what Lukas had said. It might well be true, she thought, that Derek would end up with Julia. But she refused to believe that Derek's seeming interest in her was just to have fun with her. At least not in the way her brother was implying. No, she was strong in her mind that her caring for him and his caring for her had more meaning than that. With that thought settled in her consciousness she was finally able to sleep.

* * *

Very early the next morning Derek was in his bedroom. He had finished his shift at the wall where fortunately there had been no action. That, he knew, would soon change. There was so much on his mind. Foremost, of course, was the Saracen army just outside the wall. Already, the force on the other side of the wall had changed his own life in one particular way. It put on hold his relationship with Julia.

He had met Julia the year before, liked her, and when his and her parents met they both thought their union would be a good match. In fact, preparations for their wedding were just getting underway when advance word came of the advancing enemy army. Though everyone was hoping for victory, such an outcome was not assured, and all their matrimonial plans were put off until victory was won.

With that change in circumstance, Derek felt himself free at least for a while. It was at such a time that he by chance met Kara. He didn't exactly know why, but to say the least he was intrigued by her. In his eyes the girl was beautiful, though not in a made up way. No, in a natural way. And unusual in his experience, he felt she didn't realize her own beauty. Derek thought back to the way she had been with him on their first meeting. She seemed at first reticent but then while with him her personality seemed to blossom. Derek felt there was nothing fake in her. And yet, someone must have put into her mind that she was ordinary at best. In Derek's mind she was not at all ordinary but special. And yet, he felt like he didn't fully understand her and wanted to learn more.

His thoughts went to Julia, his intended. Julia had all the wealth and airs of a family with a long tradition of power. It was reputed that her great great grandfather had been an esteemed senator of the Roman Empire. Derek had come to the realization that it was only by accident that he met and got to know Julia, and even more fortunate that he, though only a knight, was considered to be worthy of the girl. She was a bright, cheerful girl, used to the better things of life, one who with her father's wealth would never have to worry about material things.

Derek's mind went back to Kara. He knew he wanted to see her again, and soon.

However, as a knight, Derek had a good idea of what was coming. Later, on this very day, their emissaries would meet with representatives of Toulouse, including the bishop, to give their ultimatum. They feared that it would be complete surrender of the city. Such conditions would quickly be rejected, and ere long, likely this very night, the enemy attack would begin. He, the knights and the soldiers would do everything they could to fight back the assault.

Derek was not afraid to die. He would do it in hopes of saving the city. His concern at this moment was for Kara and her family. They were so close to the walls that if even some of the enemy managed to scale it and get past those fighting on the rampart they could seize her house and kill her family. These thoughts were going through Derek's mind as he lay in his bed trying to sleep. He needed sleep, for toward evening he and many other knights would be on the rampart, likely engaged in a life or death battle with the Saracens.

Derek decided at that moment that he would again try to have Kara, and possibly her whole family, come to the fortress for their greater safety. With that thought in mind, he again tried to sleep.

* * *

That afternoon, Kara, Anna, her father and stepbrother and a great many other people of the city were standing on the ramparts looking down at what was going on below. The delegates of the city were meeting with representatives of the Saracens. Kara knew, as did everyone else, what this meeting was about—the terms of surrender. Looking past those conducting the meeting, she saw the huge size of the Saracen army. It filled the plain almost as far as the eye could see. She was afraid. If the terms offered were not accepted, how could the city hold out against such an enormous force? She caught the eye of her father who also looked down at the enemy forces. He shook his head as he met her eyes and she knew he had the same thought. Anna was between them, and at her request he lifted her up so she could also see. On looking at the amassed army, she asked him, "Oh, papa, what are we going to do?"

He looked at her and said, "We will fight them, Anna, that's what we will do. Our stalwart knights will prevent them from getting into the city."

Kara looked at her father as he set Anna down. She saw in the look he gave her that he was not at all that sure of what he had just told Anna. "By the grace of God," he added.

They stood there watching as the leaders appeared to go back and forth in their discussions. Then, abruptly, the party of those representing the Saracens appeared to suddenly make threatening gestures. Quickly, both sides backed away from each other, and Kara and everyone watching knew that there was no agreement. Kara heard the murmuring of those watching, many shaking their heads at what had transpired. Slowly people began going down the steps, fearing the worst. Her father started to go back as well when Kara saw Derek and several other knights coming up the stairs. She waited for him on the rampart while her family descended the stairs.

"Kara," he said, on reaching the top.

"Yes," she answered, her eyes fixed on his.

"Kara, there's going to be fighting, a lot of fighting."

"I know. I'm worried for you, Derek."

"I'm worried for you, Kara. Please come to the fortress where you will be safer. I can find room there for your family as well."

Kara slowly shook her head. "No, Derek, I can't do that. When they shot flaming arrows at us it was only because we were there, able to put out the fires, that we saved the bakery and our home."

"Kara, I'm afraid for you and your family. You are so close to the wall. If some of them manage to climb over. . ."

"Then you will kill them. You and the knights will protect us."

Derek looked at her. For a moment he didn't know how to answer. "Yes, God willing we will do that." He stepped to be close to her and took her in his arms. Then he bent down to kiss her lips.

Kara reveled in his embrace and her lips met his with an eagerness that surprised her. She wished that he was not wearing the hard armor so she could feel his body. It ended all too soon, and for a moment they stood looking at each other. Then he was gone, joining the other knights to protect the wall. Kara walked slowly down the steps to her home, a multitude of thoughts going through her mind.

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