To be with him

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Two days later

The Saracens had not attacked. That was the good news. But everyone knew they would, it was only a matter of time. In the town, everyone was on edge. People were afraid of dying and women were of afraid of even worse things should the enemy break through the walls. The churches were full at all the masses as people sought divine help in time of dread.

And, from the pulpit the bishop and all the priests stressed prayer and the need for citizens to be on the ramparts to repel the enemy. Specifically, they said that the people should take turns there to be ready if and when they tried to scale the walls. Their job would be to poor hot oil and caustic soda on the attackers.

In the streets of the city people could hear the enemy at work. What they were doing was largely hidden in the forest but the pounding and the sawing seemed continuous in the daylight hours. Were they building scaling ladders, or even worse, movable towers that they could wheel up to the walls to leap over them? Or worse still, were they fashioning catapults built to hurl huge rocks great distances to break down the walls? The knights had informed everyone that these were only some of the methods a methodical enemy might use to break through. The soldiers, knights and townspeople needed to be ready for anything.

* * *

It was on a Monday afternoon that Kara and her family gathered together at table for dinner. Almost all their discussions of late had been about the Saracens, about what they might or might not do. The members of Kara's family bowed their heads to say grace and then as they were passing food to each other began the discussion of the day. Who should be the first of them to spend the night on the ramparts. They knew that in all likelihood an attack would come in the dark of night. "I will do it," volunteered Lukas. "I'm the strongest."

"No, Lukas, said Werner, Kara's father and Lukas' stepfather. "I'm the oldest and head of this family. I've already married two women, both deceased, and I've lived a full life. I'll be the one to spend the night."

"Father, you're the head. That's why you shouldn't go," said Kara. "Besides, we would all miss you so much," she added, trying to hold back a tear.

"I could do it," piped up Anna in her still childlike voice. "I'm big enough to pour pots of oil on them."

"Oh, no, Anna," spoke Kara, putting her arms around her sister who sat next to her. "Certainly not you!"

"Then you do it, Kara," said Gabriela from across the table. "You take the night shift. Your knight, the one you think you love, will be there."

Kara looked back at Gabriela, though not in the friendliest way. Her words, "the knight you think you love," did not sit well with her. Still she answered, "Yes, I will do it. I will be there at night."

Kara's father answered. "I don't know, Kara. For a woman to be there. . . I mean, if they should break through and come over the wall. . ."

"Father, I will do it," said Lukas.

"No, Gabriela is right," Kara said. "I do care for Derek and I believe he cares for me. I will be the one to be there at night with him."

Kara saw her father shake his head in consternation. "I am sorry for any of my children to have to be there, but if it is what you want, Kara, so be it. When you go take with you our largest knife in case you should need it to protect yourself." Then looking up toward heaven he said, "Oh, God, please don't let them break through. Lord, protect us!"

* * *

So, it was settled, at least for a time. Kara would be glad to be there with Derek. He had chosen to be at that point on the rampart to protect her and her family. Now, she would be there with him. She had fear, of course, but she would stand strong with Derek. She knew that if only the enemy could be prevented from breaking through, Toulouse would be saved.

Hey, guys, I know this part is short but it seems a good place to end. Before all that is coming. Please know I love your votes and comments.  And, your follows. Really, I am so pleased with all of you who seem to like my stuff!

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