I know... (Traitor Kirishima)

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WARNING: This oneshot contains suicide and small amounts of gore. You have been warned.

Oh god why did I do this? Why do I keep doing this?  I thought as I looked at my bloody hands which were lightened by the moonlight coming from above. I then glanced up at the body leaning against the side of the alley way. The person who's blood was on my hands. The way I attacked, he never stood a chance. Even when he screamed, no one heard him. My heart rate was racing. This had been the first person I killed. Tears fell from my eyes as I go to the body, getting ready to hide it.

I pull out a large trash bag. However, before I put the body in the bag, I take one last look at the person's lifeless body. His yellow hair which was once bright was now dull and stained with red. His stocked expression still shook me to the core. His eyes, oh god his eyes. They were lifeless and just like his hair, a now dull yellow. They hold so much emotion in them that I couldn't even look at them for long.

Looking at the boy's lifeless body hurt me. He was so filled with energy when alive that seeing him like this gave me a sense of dread. I mean he was my friend after all. I sigh before putting my friend's body in the bag and tying it up. I cleaned the blood on me and on the ground before hiding the body. "Goodbye Denki." I whisper as I finish hiding the body. 

I then go home. They'll find him in the morning. I'll fake being surprised, but I will have known all along. I'll help my classmates grieve, but I won't feel anything. I never liked him anyway and my classmates won't suspect a thing. Or that was the plan.

But, I failed the plan. I thought my classmates would be like my old classmates at my middle school. They were my "friends" but they never really liked me. They always found ways to get out of hanging out with me or leave me behind. I then started getting bullied by my "friends". They would beat me up everyday after school. I still have the scars from some of their more bad beatings. It was after one of those many beatings that He found me.

I was bleeding and oh god was I in pain. I thought they may have broken my ribs with how bad they beat me. At this point I really didn't care. My mind was merely a dark void to what it was before the beatings. However, when I thought no one cared, He came. He healed me and started talking with me, asking what happened. He noticed my fear and told me that I could trust him and that he won't hurt me. He offered me a chance to train with him and get revenge on my bullies. I shouldn't have took it, but my dark mind did.

He showed me his home filled with others like me. Others who were broken like me. He said that he wanted me to get into UA and help him defeat All Might. He told me that heroes never really helped people any more and so many suffer due to it. He fed me lies that I took. I trained under him for a whole year and my quirk use got much more powerful. I dyed my hair and styled it so no one could know who I was.

I passed the exam with flying colors and got into UA. He was so happy. He said he was proud of me and how I was like a son to him. I called him my true father. He lied. But I believed him.

I had practiced putting up a fake smile so much that no one noticed something wrong with me. I told myself to become "friends" with people so no one would suspect a thing. It worked. The USJ attack happened and no one looked at me. I continued to gather information for them and everything was going to plan until I noticed something off.

I felt better and happier then ever before in my whole life. I ended up becoming real friends with my classmates. They weren't jerks and they really did care for me. Mina, Denki, Hanta, and even Katsuki and the rest of Class 1-A all cared for me. They showed me what true friendship really was.

But He noticed as well. He began to question me, asking if I trusted them over him. He said that he was the only one who really cared about me and that they just hated me. He said that they were just lying to make me feel better. Once again He lied. However, I did not believe him this time.

It then started going down hill. It became harder to hide what I was doing and how I was feeling. My friends started to notice and asked what was wrong. I told them I was fine. I wasn't. Denki knew I was lying. He tried to spy on me to see what was bothering me. He noticed.

He told me my next mission just yesterday. My mission was to kill Denki. I knew that if I refused He would kill everyone I cared about and bring me great pain. Thinking back on what I did, maybe that was the better option. So I did what I thought I had to. I jumped Denki in an alley way and quickly killed him with my quirk.

So now I walk home with the guilt of killing my friend. I'll try to sleep tonight. I know I won't. If I somehow do I know my night will be filled the screams and blood of Denki. I slowly get to the bed and lay down. Before I knew it, my eyes shut and I went to sleep.

I woke up to the next morning and got ready for the day, knowing what was to come in class. I put on my smile and acted like everything was fine. It wasn't. Oh but I know. I know...

I walked into the classroom looking happy as can be and I walked over to my friends. They were smiling and laughing. Mina must have cracked a joke. She was always the best at that. They wouldn't be smiling soon. They didn't know that. Oh but I know. I know...

I sat down in my seat. My overwhelming dread piling up as I look at the now empty seat in front of me. That seat will never be filled again. I try to seem happy and no one is of the wiser. Oh but I know. I know...

Mr. Aizawa walks into the classroom, looking sad. They must have found him. I could tell everyone wondered why he looked so grim. Oh but I know. I know...

Mr. Aizawa told the class of what they found earlier this morning. Hanta oh poor Hanta. He seemed the most hurt out of all of us. He had a crush on Denki didn't he? He along with everyone else started crying. I fake cried with them. Hanta whimpered out words between his sobs. "...how?....How did he die?" Mr. Aizawa looked down as he told the class that they had no clue. Oh but I know. I know...

He continued telling the class everything they knew about his death. He told the class they didn't even have a clue to who killed him. Oh but I know. I know...

I wondered how I could fix this. The guilt was too much for me to handle. I had caused all this pain. Then it hit me how I could make up for this. Oh but I know. I know...

We were let out and as everyone cried and remembered Denki I said I needed to go to the bathroom. I wasn't going to walk back into that classroom. Oh but I know. I know...

I went to the roof. I had brought a pen and paper with me. I wrote something down. This was my final goodbye to my real friends. Oh but I know. I know...

I went to the edge of the roof and took off my shoes. I put the note by them and looked off the edge. If I fell, I would die. Oh but I know. I know...

I slowly walked off the edge. As I waited for death to finally take me, I muttered something under my breath. "I'm sorry Denki." It came out so quiet no one could hear it. However, as I reached my final moments, I heard an all too familiar voice. A voice that came from someone who's last breath I stole.

"Oh but I know. I know..."

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