Control (Traitor Kaminari)

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U. A. High School. My mission, gain information and avoid detection by joining the hero course. It was success. I got into the hero course. Class 1-A. Next goal is rather simple actually.

"Hey I'm Kirishima!" A red head waved to me. I smile and wave back. "Hi! I'm Kaminari!" My next goal is to fit in. Act stupid. Act nice. Act like a fool. I fucking hate it. I'm much smarter then these fools. So much better. But it needs to be done.

Day 1 was perfect. No one thought the wiser. Everyone's quirks too. I got a good read. Bakugo Katsuki is going to be trouble, along with Todoroki Shoto. They have powerful quirks. They could easily give whatever plan Shigaraki has in store a few roadblocks. On another note, I figured who would be best for me to hang out with. Kirishima Eijiro, quirk Hardening. Sero Hanta, quirk Tape. Ashido Mina, quirk Acid. Stupid, caring, fun loving. But also extremely loyal. Easy bait.

USJ went just as planned. When I saw myself get paired with Yaoyorozu and Jirou, I got a bit worried. Yaoyorozu was smart and Jirou could read people like a book. I lied about the jammed signal and no one caught on. Later I proved my stupidness by using my quirk to it's max. I went "stupid" as they could say. I really didn't. I was aware of everything. Based on what the damn villain said, not even he knew I was with them. I guess that would be top secret information.

Everything is going so well. Those damn hero wannabees are too stupid to see past me. This won't go wrong at this rate. 

Everything went wrong. 

I fucked up. I did the one thing that a spy should never do. Become friends with the people you're working against. And guess what I fucking did! I did just that! Sometime after we got into dorms, I started noticing things. I was actually acting less then I should be. I was actually happy to hang out with them. I was actually seeing them as my friends. I actually didn't want to hurt them. And the worst one out of them all, the worst one....

I actually wanted to be a hero.

Impossible right? I mean aren't heroes bad? Aren't they the ones that really hurt others? Aren't villains the ones trying to fix everything? Aren't they the ones to trust? Aren't all heroes people who just want a paycheck? Aren't they people who don't care about saving others? Aren't they like my dad?

But they aren't. They aren't those things. Even the meaner ones. They truly do care about others and want to help.  They want to be heroes. Real ones. 

What if Shigaraki finds out? Oh god, I'll die. I need to keep this to myself. I can't tell anyone. I can't..... Oh great I'm crying. Like the piece of shit I am.

 There are two mes now. One is the hero. The one that laughs. The one in the hero course. The one who has friends. The one who smiles. The one who hasn't killed anyone and hasn't hurt a soul. The one who's chained to the other. Chargebolt. The other is the villain. The one who kills. The one who is a demon. The one who is heartless. The one who hates heroes. The one who doesn't cry. The one who would kill everyone the hero loves without a second thought. Lightingstrike.

Lightingstrike killed someone else today. Chargebolt won't look at himself in the mirror anymore. Lightingstrike talked with the villains. They're planning to attack Class 1-A again and this time, Lightingstrike will come back with them. When he doesn't know. Chargebolt isn't sleeping, simply crying in bed knowing they're coming for him. Chargebolt is so scared, knowing he'll be pushed away. Lightingstrike is so happy, knowing he'll be free.

Blue flame lights up the sky above the dorms. Lightningstrike is active now. The fire made that happen. A wide smile is on his face. He walks out, faking being scared. He spots them. They're fighting with the teachers. Nomus are there as well. 

The teachers are knocked down. The dorms is in ruins. Class 1-A looks at the scene in front of them. Shigaraki has his hand out. "Now then. We just need one more person and our'll job here is done. Come on! You know who you are." He smiled, seeing the confused look in the students eyes. 

Lightingstrike took a step forward and walked towards Shigaraki. "Ahh Kaminari. It's nice for you to join us for real. Being with these heroes and acting so stupid must have been so angering for you." Shigaraki smiled.

Lightingstrike turned back to his classmates. Chargebolt wanted to go back so badly. "Denki d-dude, please stop you're scaring me." Sero said, a tremble in his voice, worry in his eyes. Lightingstike's look was emotionless as he sneered. "God damn right! You should be scared of me!"

The look pain and betrayal in their eyes as Lightingstrike shouted is something he will love forever. Chargebolt will hate it forever. The purple portal opened behind him. He walked through. However, there was a look of pain in his eyes for moment. Chargebolt wanted control. He wanted to go back into his friends arms. Be a hero and not a villain. But it was too late. The portal swallowed him whole. Chargebolt was dead. Now there was only Lightingstrike. 

Or so everyone thought. Sero saw something else. Chargebolt, his friend, was very much alive. Maybe he wasn't alive when they became friends, but he's still alive. He knows that look of pain. He's seen before on Chargebolt. When he vented about his family, it was that same pain, the same look. The pain of losing everything you love.

He was going to get Chargebolt back, no matter what. Even if it's from himself.

A/N: Part 2 if you guys want it? I kinda just got this spark (See what I did) to write this after listening to the song above. The song is basically what Chargebolt feels like during this story. So have fun with this nice ANGST

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