The Rain (Kamisero)

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3rd POV

The Bakusquad are pretty close group. They often hang out in smaller groups. For example, Kaminari and Sero. Today they were hanging out in Sero's dorm, watching memes of course.

"Hey Sero. I'm bored. You wanna go on a walk?" Kaminari turned to Sero and asked. Sero shrugged. "I really don't care. We could go to the playground nearby." He said. Kaminari nodded and got up. Sero followed and they left the dorms.

The two kept walking to the playground. They were about 10 minutes from the dorms when it started to rain lightly. Sero and Kaminari figured it would pass and waited under a tree. This was not the best choice they later figured out.

The rain got heavier and Sero looked at Kaminari. "Alright so we can either run home or stay here and hope it passes. Which one would be better?" He asked. Kaminari looked at the taller male. "Well the tree is keeping us dry so we should be fine." Then they felt water drops on them.

It started raining so hard, the tree didn't even do anything to keep them dry. So Sero got an idea. Use his tape to make cover from them? No. Have Kaminari crouch down and use his body to cover him. Yeah this is big brain time. End result? Sero got a wet back and they figured it was pointless.  

Sero looked down at Kaminari well getting his back soaked. "You know if you sneeze, we're both dead right?" He says. Kaminari and Sero burst out laughing and wheezing. This would make a story to tell for sure. "I like to note that this was your idea." Sero said, smirking.

Kaminari then got an idea. He pulled out his phone. "Wait don't tell me you're calling Bakugo and Kirishima?" Sero looked at Kaminari. He nodded. "Yeah hopefully they'll come and save us." He says. Again Sero thought.

Luckly, Kirishima and Bakugo came to save them. They ran across the road to get to Kirishima's car. They got into the car and were given towels by Kirishima. Bakugo glared at them. "This is why you fucking check the weather!" He sneered at them.

They drove back to the dorm and Mina was smirking at them. "You guys had fun?" She said in a mocking tone. Sero glared at her. "Shut up!" They walked into the dorms, Sero and Kaminari still soaking wet. So they head up to Mina's dorm room.

The Bakusquad cuddled up in blankets and towel, slowly getting warmer. Luckly, knowing how Sero and Kaminari can make anything funny, were taking really well. They were laughing at everything and how stupid they were.

They even did go to the playground later.

A/N: This story is based off something that happened with me and my friend. It was pretty funny looking back. Me and this friend often compare ourselfs to Sero and Kaminari so I asked them if they would let me write this. They said yes so that's why I wrote this. They came up with the idea of Kirishima and Bakugo saving them and Mina cuddling with them.

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