Nightmares and Cuddles (Tododeku)

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When Todoroki came to sleep in Midoriya's dorm for the first time, Midoriya thought it would be a one time thing. He was honestly surprising to see the stoic Todoroki ask to sleep with him. However, night after night, Todoroki came to sleep in Midoriya's dorm. Midoriya never really minded it actually. It was really nice.

The problem came up when he realised that he started to crush on Todoroki. I mean though, who wouldn't. It was Todoroki for crying out loud. The hottest guy in class 1-A and likely one of the most powerful too.

Midoriya was snapped out of his daydream when he heard a knock on his door. He glanced at the time. 1:03 AM. He sighed as he got up and opened the door to see a sleepy Todoroki bundled in blankets. Midoriya knew what he wanted. He let him come into his room and lay on his bed.

Midoriya laid down next to him, now also covered in blankets. Todoroki was quick to fall asleep. Soon Todoroki wrapped his arms around Midoriya and smiled softly. Midoriya smiled as well, along with having a faint blush. He knew how much this made Todoroki happy and even if Todoroki didn't love him, knowing he was making him happy was enough. Midoriya drifted off into sleep with that thought.

Waking up to crying 3 hours later was not how he saw waking up. Usually Todoroki would wake up earlier then Midoriya and return to his dorm, but when Midoriya woke up, he heard sobbing coming from Todoroki. He was still dreaming. Midoriya shook Todoroki awake. "Todoroki? Hey Todoroki wake up its just a dream." He said.

Todoroki jolted up, panting hard. Tears were still in his eyes as he looked at Midoriya. The pained and scared expression on his face melted away, replaced by a happy and relieved expression instead. He hugged Midoriya. "Thank you." He said, smiling. Midoriya smiled back. "You're welcome Todoroki."

"Midoriya I need to confess. I'm in love with you." Todoroki said, looking away. "I often have nightmare in which my dad hurts you and I just can't take it anymore. I need to tell you that I love you." Midoriya blushed redder then Kirishima's hair. "I know you don't feel the same way but-" "I love you too Shoto." Midoriya cut him off.

"You do?" He seemed shocked. Midoriya nodded. "I love you as much as I could ever hope for." He kisses Todoroki and he kisses back. The two settle down in Midoriya's bed as they wrap around each other, both the happiest they've ever been.

"So Izuku, does this make you my boyfriend?"

"Of course Shoto. I would love that."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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