Chapter 4.Us.

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Zak P.O.V

I don't know how I got home, I feel sick I can't believe she is gone, leaving our baby.

Jo P.O.V

Zak has been home for 20 minutes and I'm worried about him he has gone straight to bed its only Half past 9 Zak's mum has taken the kids out for the day so I could get things done. I find him lying on the bed so I climb onto the bed next to him "Are you ok" "No"

"Please talk to me don't shut me out, is it Joseph ?" "No" "ok". We sit in silence for about 5 minutes.

Zak P.O.V

What is going to happen to our son ? I don't want to lose him, he is getting stronger every day I love him. I cried for Lily she only wanted to be loved.


He takes my hand in his its warm, " Lily passed away a few hours ago." "What ? How ? " "Complications after the C-section" "I'm sorry" I say wiping his tears its hard to see him like this. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me Softly and gentle, kissing him back lost in the moment, his hands slide up my back as he takes my top off and I reach for his belt I want him so much he stops kissing me to take his t-shirt off and he passionately makes love to me and we find our connection that we lost all those weeks ago.

As soon as the kids came back Zak picked up Zeb and didn't let go he missed him loads "Will you come with me tomorrow? " "To see the Joseph ?" "Yes I don't want to go alone" I put my arms around him and zeb and kiss him and Zeb "Of course I will I would do anything for you I love you".

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