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This will be a scheduled update please enjoy. Comment your thoughts and what you think will happen.
Xoxo 🐍

The smell of french toast and coffee greated Dove as she woke up. Stretching in bed before feeling a gentle kiss on her lips. Finally opening her eyes she saw Thomas leaning over her.

"Morning Chlo. I've made breakfast Booboo called this morning and said he'll be over at 1." Dove nodded before continuing to get up watching Thomas ass as he walked out of the room.

Truth be told she had forgotten that her stepbrother was in town for the next month. She couldn't wait to catch up with him and tease him for crushing on her best friend. Finally making it out if bed she headed to the bathroom. Where her toothbrush was already set to be used along with her cell. Thanking God once again for giving her Thomas.

Brushing her teeth as she checked her massages. Breaking out in a smile seeing you that her BooBoo sent her a photo of there dad and half siblings goofing around. She missed her family but life In NY with Thomas and her dream job made the ache of missing her old life more bearable.

Making her way to the kitchen saying good morning to there cat Mal who was lazing around on the fire place.

Leaning in the door way as she watches Thomas dance around the kitchen cleaning up the pots and pans he used to make breakfast.

"Are you going to let the food get cold Chlo. You can stare at me all day after you eat." He stated with a wink over his shoulder. Giggling as she sat at the kitchen island. Taking a bite out of the delicious breakfast he made for her. Thanking the heavens once again for her amazing boyfriend. Once again feeling blessed to have caught the young and talented chef for her boyfriend.

Thomas walked over giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading into there bedroom. Starting to clean up the place a bit. Knowing that Booboo will check the whole apartment before heading out to Sophia's where he'll be staying for the month thankful.
As much as he loves Chlo's family they can be very overwhelming and nosiy.

Making sure to grab all of his things that where scattered around the room and putting them in a basket. Sadly her family still thought they slept in different rooms. Hence the removal of his things from the bedroom. Knowing that he once again has to decorate the guest room with his things. But he understands Chlo was in a pretty bad relationship before him and it had gotten really ugly so while she was 23 and himself 25 her father was very protective of her. As he was allowed to be he just wished that after two and a half years he would have earned some kind of trust from him.

Checking the clock Thomas saw that it was already 11. Hurrying up he grabbed the basket and a few clothes that laid around. Making his way to the guest room. Chlo blew him a kiss as he passed the kitchen.

Dumping his things on the bed as he opened the blinds and started clearing the dust from the room.

Dove started cleaning up after herself before her cell went off. Thinking it was her assistant getting back on her about the new project she picked up without checking the call id.

"Bradley, great timing. So did they expect the role?"

"Sorry girlfriend but I'm not Bradley so I don't know."

Squealing as she heard Cameron's voice threw the phone. He had taken an overseas assignment for his charity non-profit internship and she missed her curly haired best friend dearly. Plus China was coming back to NY soon and she really wants Cam to be there . She just knows the two of them have that spark and wants to see two of her best friend find love.

"When are you coming home Cam. I miss you so so so much and so dose Thomas."

"Actually that's why I'm calling. You know how the charity helps people in need by pairing them up with good families, couples, friends ect right..."

Dove narrowed her eyes as she walked into the guest room. Putting the phone on speaker.

"Yeah why?"

"I need you and Thomas to do me a BIG favor please!?!"

Thomas looked at Dove eyebrows raised before telling Cameron to continue.

"So there's this guy named Christian..."

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