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Christine laid In the comfy hotel bed looking up at the ceiling. Mrs. Jung and Jay has left not to long ago after dropping off his stuff.

America. He was leaving for America in a few hours. It seemed that Mr. Jung had secretly signed him up for the program and made sure to mark the foreign country if needed option. Unlike the other poor saps that had been chosen and sent to a different city. He was going to another country. Thank God his mother was Australian and made sure they could speak English before she passed.

Rolling onto his side he watched as Cameron stood on the balcony talking on his phone. Occasionally stopping and turning around to look at him. He was pretty sure the poor dude was trying to find someone in AMERICA to take him in.

Sighing as he turned back to looking at the ceiling. Whoever had sent the poor dudes to beat his case worker completely forgot to tell the kid that he was apparently foreign bound. Cameron have freaked out when he had called in to find a place to settle Christian into. clearly thinking his job was to just talked to Christian and then turn them over to the right people to find him a new home there in Japan.

He definitely wasn't ready or prepared to hear them tell him that his Korean friend was apparently being shipped off to America. or the fact that he was now in charge of finding said friend a home to say in for the duration over a year.

Now normally Christian wouldn't feel bad about it but this was his curly head cutie he was talking about. You couldn't help but feel bad for the kid. Christian could have swore that Cameron it's just a curly haired freckled face smiley soul copy of Jay. To bad Cameron was out when Jay and Mrs. Jung had came over to drop off his stuff only catching them when they were leaving.

it seemed he had left him in the hotel room so you can find another fellow worker or volunteer or whatever he was for this organization. To take over this case or at least help him find a home for Christian and clearly with outside he looks coming back it didn't work.

Sign again as he heard the door to the balcony open once more he was pretty sure that at this point Cameron was asking his friends to do him a huge favor and take in some thug looking Korean dude just constantly being thrown into the Japanese jail system.

Whoever said yes must be crazy, extremely lonely or a push over. He was hoping for the last one. At least then he wouldn't have to keep up with the stupid meetings and social worker dinners with host.

Cameron said next to his bed smiling looking down at him. "Great news my friends Dove and Thomas agreed to let you stay with them. I hope you can get along with them. Thomas's a bit protective of his girlfriend so he might not necessarily leave you alone with Dove at first. But him and Dolph are just amazing people not to mention they know everything about the organization so you don't have to worry too much about the meetings and the dinners plus I'm going to be your social worker so I'll be there for the dinners and I basically live at their house half the time so I'll get to be able to help you first hand when I'm not at school of course yeah aren't you excited!"

A couple? Great so I'm going to be stuck with some young kids who probably fuck like rabbits and have fragile egos for whole 365 days. Jesus Christ I hope they have some kind of getting off for good behavior type shit cuz I will lie my ass off just so I can leave a situation like that a lot sooner.

"Oh and Tom's also has a thing for people being polite since you are younger than both of them I feel like when you first meet them kind of like go on the charms you know? Kind of like you did when we first met minuse the flirting though don't flirt with either of them don't just just no flirting okay if you don't flirt everything... yeah I'm tired though and we have to wake up in...holy shit our flight leaves in 4 hours!"

And with that Cameron and Christian hurriedly left the hotel. Flagging down a taxi and breaking several speeding laws to make it on time for there flight to NY.

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