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Feedback needed. I'll probably post all of the premade chapters that I have soon cause I'm little stuck on how to continue it's so
Double update today.

Thomas and Dove were moving Thomas's things back into there room when Booboo used his spare key to get in. Now if it was just Booboo then there would have been no problem being caught moving Thomas's things into "Dove's" room but sadly her father was with him.

Which is why they were now all sitting in the living room.

"Thomas why are you and Chloe moving your stuff into her room?"

Thomas looked at Chlo before sharing the news. " Sir you know how Cameron has been over in Japan helping out with troubled youths. Well he has this one case and um..."

Chloe could see that Thomas had no clue how to go on without giving away that the poor guys background. Which would have her father refusing for them to allow the male into there home.

"Christian is 22 and helps out in not so great ways to keep the orphanage he has called home alongside his brother for the past ten years. They caught him trying to prostitutie himself so he could save up money for his brother Jays college expenses. "

Booboo and her father seemed takened back from her out burst. While Booboo looked mortified thinking about what the poor guy was trying to do. Her father seemed saddened.

"What dose he look like? What happened to his parents? Did Cameron tell you anything about this boy?"

Sighing with relief that her father wasn't going to just straight up demand this guy stay elsewhere and put Cameron in a difficult spot.

"Yes sir. Cameron has shared that he was working at a tattoo parlor and has quite a lot of them himself. He's Korean there mother died when he was 12 and Jay was 7. He's 5'9 a little underweight and flighty. He doesn't speak alot unless it's necessary and then he tends to be flirty as a defense mechanism."

From there Thomas answered her father's questions while Booboo helped her move Thomas's things into there room. Catching up with her older brother.

Before they knew it was time for them to leave. Saying there goodbyes before checking the time and seeing they had about two hours before Cameron and there new roommate for the next year arrived.

Time skip

Cameron was pacing once again as he learned that the company car that was supposed to be picking them up and dropping them off couldn't make it and they were already an hour late since there flight got delayed.

"OK FINE WHATEVER! " Watching his cutie pie social worker getting angry was very entertaining. But he was tired ,upset , and ready to punch someone in the gut.

Taking the new iPhone Cameron had given him as part of this rehabilitation into a better person. Honestly after hearing about what this program was actually about . Christian wasn't all that happy about being picked for it. He frowned before dialing a number he'll always know by heart.

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