25. Come and Meet Mark

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The car slides to a halt before the front door of the Manor, which has been set wide open, light spilling out on to the gravel. The chauffeur comes round to open the door for me, saying, "I'll see to your bag, ma'am," and I walk forward towards the entrance.

The hum of voices and the sound of soft music greet me, as I pause in the doorway to stare at the unfamiliar big, square hall.

For it has been transformed. 

A chandelier hangs from the high ceiling, a thing of glittering crystal that sheds brightness into the once dim corners. A glossy marble floor has been laid over the old worn flagstones. Banks of flowers, dahlias, roses and daisies, all the glorious colours of late summer are ranged round the walls, and up the sides of the wide staircase opposite to me, which ascends to a gallery running across the back of the hall, which is also decorated with potted plants. 

It looks alien and strange, and I feel a surge of rage.

How dared he alter it all! 

The doors on either side of the hall are open, that leading to the dining room showing a glimpse of a long table laden with food, gleaming glasses, and cutlery, and from what had been the drawing-room, the largest room in the house, the sound of music drifts to me. Hired waiters cross the hall like clockwork, carrying trays of cocktails. 

Cousin Mark has organised this party with all the pomp and grandeur of a bygone age. 

Mark belongs to the old school and must have meant to do me honour with all this ceremony. 

Oh dear. He must be dreadfully old.

A bunch of new arrivals are between me and the staircase, being greeted by a tall, striking-looking woman.

I wonder who she is.

Guests step aside to let me pass, and one of them, a neighbour's son, recognises me.

"Miss Jung!' he exclaims, "Is it really you?"

"Yes, it's me," I say, extending my hand, while I try to remember his name. 

He shakes it vigorously, and my eyes go past him to the other men, wondering which of them is Cousin Mark. 

I feel a wave of panic.

The silver-haired distinguished-looking gentleman in evening dress might well be he. Only Mark would wear the outdated full regalia. He is smiling at me a little ironically. Yes, Mark might well be ironic.

I take a half step towards him when I hear a woman's voice. 

"Yiseul, my dear, welcome home!"

The tall woman is approaching me, smiling, her magnificent black hair piled high amidst its coils. 

"I am Mark's elder sister, Elena," she hugs me. "I have been waiting to meet you."

"Hello," I say, and smile, feeling a bit shy. "Nice to meet you."

"My husband, Peter." A tall, smiling man bows to me.

"And this is Rosita," she says, and indicates a startlingly beautiful girl next to her, in a low-cut black dress with a filmy shawl draped around her shoulders. She is looking at me, the merest flicker of a smile on her face. Vaguely I wonder who she is.

"How lovely you look," Elena murmurs. "Come and meet Mark."

She slips her arm round my waist. I look round for the silver-haired man whom I saw earlier, but he has disappeared. 

How odd. 

Instead Elena is leading me towards two men standing at a corner, holding glasses of wine in their hands, their heads bent close, engrossed in conversation.

She puts her hand on the arm of the taller man.

"Mark," Elena says, "Yiseul is here."

He turns.

I freeze.

"Welcome, Snow Queen, I see you've dressed for the part."

My startled gaze meets the laughing, amused eyes of Caspian Jeong. 

"You!" I gasp. 

"Yes, it's me - your Cousin Mark."

I stare at him.

I swallow.

I take a step back.

Elena's brow puckers.

She puts a hand on my arm.

"Yiseul, what's the matter?"

Her eyes dart from me to Mark.

"Have you met before?"

He smiles slightly, but his smile fades when he looks at me.

"I - I need to freshen up...my room...I need to go to my room," I say wildly.

I have to get out of here.

"Yiseul," he says, a frown between his eyebrows. "Yiseul - "

But I am plunging through the crowd, my heart pounding in my ears.

There is only one thought in my mind.

I have to get away.

I need to be alone.

I need - I need to make sense of this.

Mark. Caspian. Mark Jung. Caspian Jeong. Cousin Mark.

I run up the stairs, and open the door to my room, but before I can close it, Mrs. Kim appears in the doorway, her eyes wet with tears.

"Oh, Miss Yiseul," she cries, sniffling, "You're back. We've missed you."

I hug her, and she hugs me back.

"I got your room ready, Miss Yiseul. The Master said you'd be staying for a few days."

"I'm glad to be back in my own room, but it'll only be for one night." 

Mrs. Kim looks dismayed. 

"My friends are expecting me back tomorrow," I say firmly. 

Nothing has been said prior to tonight about a longer visit, and I do not want to prolong my stay. 

I need to be alone to think. 

"Oh my, Miss Yiseul, but you've grown into a lovely young lady!"

Mrs. Kim is looking at me in awe.

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