Chapter 2

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    Ethan lay on his bed messing with his sleeve. Sarah had walked him home and gently helped him inside. Now she sat on his computer chair as he looked at her. Neither knew what to say, so Ethan remained quiet. Sarah leaned forward putting her hands together in thought.

    "You have a decision to make Ethan. You can remain a fledgling, and I don't know if that's something you want, or you can become a full vampire. It's really just up to you." She said, she felt so guilty at this moment in time. What was she supposed to do? Her friend made a sacrifice, but she could have stopped it, hell even Erica could have if she wasn't so stuck up. (Personally I never understood why Erica didn't do more but hey that's tea for another time.) Sarah watched as Ethan played with his sleeve, then he looked at her and made a sound.

    "Sarah, I know you're looking for a cure, and you can only be cured if you remain innocent, no human blood. But if you found one and thought you'd have to give it up to me? I'd feel bad. Worse then I already do." Ethan pauses to take in a useless deep breath. "So I texted Erica. And tomorrow she'll help me. You go home." He said and stood up and walked over holding her hand gently to reassure her.

    "Ethan..." Sarah said looking at him her eyes softening a bit. Ethan shook his head and guided her over to the window.
     "Go, I'll see you later." He said and opened the window for her, and with that she was out and gone.

Ethan watched her leave before he pushed himself up and looked into a mirror. He still appeared almost the same. Except he started to pale. He looked away slightly a stepped away slightly running his finger across where the bite used to be in an absent minded state. It was weird though, the change to become a vampire for a seer was much more painful then any human. His body naturally fought off supernatural curses. He hadn't bothered to mention that he still felt pain rolling across him like waves. Hunger clawed at him and he felt dizzy and lightheaded. Ethan watched the mirror as his fangs came out. Unlike Erica, Rory, or Sarah even, his eyes were a pale gray ringed by black.
Ethan took a step back tilting his head. He paid a lot of attention to eyes. Jesse had pale purple eyes, the others a bright golden. He'd never seen one with eyes like his. He took a step away and closed his eyes. He sat down and waited till morning to meet up with Erica. They were meeting in an abandoned building near the edge of town.

    Morning came faster and slower then expected. It was like he had so much energy yet non at all. His body was fighting itself. Ethan looked around. He never found sunglasses very appealing so he never bought them. So instead he pulled on a hoodie and covered his face and snuck out. Walking at first before he picked up speed and was at the building before Erica. He slid and sat down looking around a bit.
    He zoned out and jumped when Erica tossed a bag at him. He picked it up looking at the thick red liquid inside.

   "You said you wanted to be one of us, to give Sarah a chance, so drink up." Erica said and Ethan looked at it.
    "So delicious." He said and tossed it in his hands. It took him a minute before he opened it and drank from it. His eyes turned as his fangs came out and wiped his face when he was done. "That's so satisfying." He said as the pain faded away. He looked at his hands and they paled, his imperfections cleared.
       "Oh." Erica said expecting Ethan closer. Ethan has always been attractive, in a nerdy way. Now he looked a bit better, his skin paled and became perfect in every sense of the word. His hair became a bit thicker and beautiful. "Damn." She said and Ethan stood up. And looked in a mirror.
     "What why. How." He was confused and touched his face and dropped his hands.

    Ethan looked at Erica who had remained the same, she just changed styles. Rory only lost his glasses. Sarah was exactly the same. Why did he look so different and beautiful. It was a strange change and he had no words only a confused look.

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