Chapter 5

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Leaning against a wall, Ethan was lost in thought. Memories bouncing off the walls and making him feel crushed under the weight of memories.


Ethan dug his nails into his arm. Pulling and itching.


Ethan rubbed and squinted. Trying to push the irritation on his arm out. His body was telling him he was impure. It was making the world spin and tip.


Scream, Ethan screamed his arm had bumps and looked like a faded scar of teeth. Body twisting in agony as he collapsed forward. Was he hungry? He didn't know. But his head hurt and his mouth had a metallic taste as he rubbed his arms in pain. Laid back when it was gone, all signs were gone. He felt relief and walked into the school.

    After school was the same as always. Talking with Benny, as if nothing else was happening around them. "Down for some games tonight?" Benny asked and Ethan nodded.
    "Obviously, if I'm in my room alone for one more night I'll go crazy. Meet at my house at six. Bring the usual games." Ethan said, splitting up for those few hours to do homework.

    He felt weird, a look over his shoulder eased that pang of worry. Brown eyes scanning quickly to show nothing of note was there. He rolled his shoulders back going inside. Settling down to do his homework when his dads head popped into his room.

"Is Sarah able to watch Jane Friday?" The hopeful sound of his fathers voice made him smile slightly. Though Ethan shook his head.
"No answer here dad." He said turning in his chair to look at him. "You could give Benny and I another shot." He said looking at him. A shadow of his fathers head and they both laughed softly.
"I'll figure it out." His father said, stepping out closing the door. Ethan leaned over grabbing his 'water' bottle taking a sip. Before finishing his work.

Thirty minutes late, Ethan checked his clock. Benny was rarely late. He put his books away, then his bag.
Forty minutes late, Ethan tapped his pen against the desk standing up. Going down the stairs. If Benny was gonna be a no show, he'd go get answers. Leaning out the window he saw no one, he shrugged going outside.
A letter on the front porch. He picked it up calling Benny, furrowing his eye brows.

"Hey sorry, I got busy cleaning grandma's supplies, I'll be over soon." He said, Ethan was turning the letter over that was in his hand. He shoved it in his pocket.
"Stay there, I need to show you something. Call Erica since Sarah is unreachable." He said hanging up. He leaned into the house telling his parents to not wait up. He'd be back soon enough.

    Ethan sat down opening the letter. He needed to know what it said before he made it to Benny, before a drowning panic set it.

    'Dear Ethan,
           Glad you made the choice Sarah never did. You're not my type, but you know, when it comes down to it, I'm the only one who will ever be there for you. They will let you down and leave like Sarah did. Rumor has it, she ran because she just can't stand the sight of you. After all... we are family now, call me when you feel alone. The first weeks are always the worst.
                          - Jesse'

    Ethan read it once more, storing the phone in his back pocket. He shrugged off the creeping feeling that went down his neck as he went into his best friend's house, well knocked and waited for the come in. Entering he took his sunglasses off.

     "Hey what's wrong? Erica has other businesses, but I'm here." Benny said. They will let you down. Ethan pushed them intrusive thought out.
     "I." Ethan thought for a moment. Looking at his best friend, hair falling in his eyes as he thought of words. "I'd rather share with everyone." He said, looking down.
    Leave like Sarah did.
    "Hey sit down." Benny said guiding his friend to a seat, gently holding his friends shaking hands. Cupping them in his warmth. "I'm here"
    We are family now.
    No! This was his family.
    .... right?
    "I just got this letter." He said pulling it from his pocket handing it to Benny. Who opened it slowly, read it then pulled his friend close. A picture fell. Ethan grabbed it, and saw it was of him, in his room alone. And at that time, if he had been able to, Ethan would have thrown up.


    Ethan lay on Benny's bed, watching the clock. He'd have to return home soon, but he watched Benny pace. Heartbeat fast, thinking. Benny sat down.
    "It's just Jesse, we can take him down." Benny said and Ethan just shrugged, sitting up turning towards him.
    "Just like last time, right?" His voice was only slightly angered, which fell away seeing his friends face. "Yea yea you're right. But I'm scared."
    "Don't be." Benny said patting his arm. "Come over tomorrow night after school, and we can talk with everyone then."

    Though he didn't say it, he thought one thing.
Everyone but Sarah.

I hope this is good! Maybe with this writers high I'll get out more chapters this week.

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