Chapter 3

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    Ethan pushed books off his lap and slid off his bed. The books bouncing slightly but not falling from the frame. He looked at his pale hands then he sat down in his chair narrowing his eyes slightly. He leaned back looking at the dark screen of his computer. Benny was asleep, and the others who would be up, were out hunting, and Ethan wasn't to that stage of self acceptance. Oh there was Sarah, but that relationship was strained. In the quick passing she averted her gaze. Ethan could tell she felt bad.
    Ethan gazed at his dark monitor he moved his mouse. "There has to be more." He said biting his lip as he scrolled through sight after sight.

    As the bright sun came through the window, Ethan looked at it shutting his computer off and stood up. It had been a week already after being turned and Ethan felt weird and fidgety. Glad for a break when Benny had asked him to hang out. Obviously, and happily Ethan agreed. 

   Outside the air would have had a distinct chill, the clouds overcast, but Ethan had no feeling in his pale dead skin. So he kept walking knocking on Benny's door. "Let me in." Ethan called sighing quietly. Looking at the wood. Usually Ethan would Waltz in like he'd live there his entire life and throw himself onto Benny's bed. Now as the undead, he could not enter, even a home that was as much his home as where he stayed at night.
    "Sorry! I'll be there." Benny called running down the stairs and throwing the door open. "I was ..." Benny closed his mouth seeing Ethan glaring. "I completely forgot."
    "Of course you did." Ethan said walking inside his hands in his pocket. "Where's your grandma."
    "Out." Benny walked into the living room sitting down. "Doing grandma things I imagine."
     "Grandma things...?" Ethan asked a bit confused,
      "Getting things to restock her supplies, now sit and let's play." And Ethan sat and did as his best friend asked, and played games all day.

(This is a quick chapter while I think of a bigger plot, I promise it'll get better.)

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