Chapter 6

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    He moved his pen tapping it against the table, he had figured something weird out about his prey. Twisting the photo, he first noticed that Ethan showed up in a mirror, then in a picture. Interesting. He printed it out attaching it to a letter. Running his fingers across it. The first wedge in place. He smiled as he set the trap. He stepped back to watch the chaos unfold. Jesse only needed to drive a wedge between Ethan and Benny. With that thought in mind he started writing a letter.

    Benny watched Ethan look over his shoulders. Every few minutes his head would turn to see if anyone was watching him. Ethan worried at the plastic on his phone. Protecting it from unseen falls and bumps. Three more hours, that's all he needed to stick it out through. Benny narrowed his eyes, watching with a careful glance. What was going through the young vampires head. Finally it was after school. Benny was at his locker, Ethan leaning against the one next to it.

"Do you actually think the other two will show tonight?" He asked looking up at Benny with gentle eyes. "I mean it's been so long since we've met together right?"
"Calm down man, you'll give yourself a panic - wait can vampires even have anxiety?" Benny asked himself stopping for a moment, the book still half out. Ethan pushed his friends shoulder before leaning back against the locker. "Ok ok. Yes I texted the others to meet at mine at four." Benny said as he closed the locker. The metal making a sound as it hit metal.
"You stress me out Benny." Ethan said, some kind of hope in his voice as he followed his friend out. Chattering and laughing while they walked. Unaware of a shadow overhead watching.


Erica looked grossed out at the nerds room, while Rory was excited. They normally went to Ethans house. But in Benny's house they could speak freely, without worry of prying ears and eyes.

"Still no Sarah?" Ethan asked as he pulled out the letter from last night. Stressing the paper before clearing his throat.
"She still needs time to process." Erica said putting her phone away, flicking her blonde hair. "Now can we get to the point? I have a date tonight." She said, looking bored as ever.

"Jesse is watching me." Silence, Ethan pulled the letter that was plaguing him mind. "I'm not going to read it to you but...." Ethan didn't want them to change how they acted because of Jesse. Maybe if he could prove they cared he wouldn't feel so scared. "He says we are family now- that I will go to him." He said and put the letter in his pocket. Silence. Eyes on him. Ethan wanted to scream.
"Maybe that's why Sarah is missing." They all looked to Rory who shrugged. "She was acting... anxious before she left. Saying that she was being followed."

Benny had been listening. Hand resting on his computer chair. Looking at Ethan for a reaction. Normally he could read his best friend like an open book. Pages open and easy to read. Now he was closed, unable to read.
"Right, well we need to find her. And be careful. Don't let Jesse separate us." A few more words and they separated. All going home. Ethan not staying to talk like he would.


In a tree Ethan saw a basket. A letter resting on the outside. He grabbed it before running inside. He felt spooked but let it roll off before picking up the letter.

"Dear Ethan,
                I see you don't eat much, I left you some blood for you to enjoy. Starving yourself will only lead to more heartache. Oh this is rather boring you know? Just know our family is growing. Even as we speak more people are waking, soon you'll be back. Anyway. You're special, and you'll be sought after. Which is why I'm giving you a week. Come home.
      - Jesse "

    Ethan looked in the basket. Resting inside was black water bottle, and in the center a picture. A confused Ethan was on it, looking at a tree, holding a paper as he searched. Jesse had been watching him this entire time.

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