The Wildlings

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"Near White Harbor"

Jon and Dany were resting below deck on their ship Jon woke up and kept watch on Daenerys he cared for and loved her he hated that he had Tyrion and Grey Worm fake their deaths but it was the only way to guaranteed their safety and their survivor he didn't care who he was anymore he loved this woman and he was going to make sure to protect her with her life Dany was tossing and turning in her dreams she saw the destruction and people screaming and dying she woke up screaming Jon held onto her "hey its okay shh your safe" Dany held onto him she was afraid.

The Captain had told them they had landed on their destination Dany wiped away her tears and placed her head scarf on as did Jon they had told them captain if anyone asked they never saw them they had to keep their identity a secret for now until Sansa was no longer a threat to their lives but that could be for a long time but for now they had a long journey they got off the ship and started walking towards the backside of WinterFell they could not go towards the front because then someone would recognize them they had to be carefully and cautious Jon held Dany's hand Daenerys was trembling with fear Jon reassured her "Don't worry we'll make it".

Dany and Jon had been traveling near the woods it would take them at least 3 days to make it to the Wildings both were tired and exhausted Jon decided to stop and make camp Ghost was nearby protecting them Jon left to go hunting to gather some food for them he brought back meat and some berries they ate together Jon noticed Dany was quiet he didn't press her about what happened in Kings Landing he figured that she was having nightmares about it Dany had finished her dinner "I'm impressed you know how to cook" Jon smiled "hunting skills come in handy" Dany laughed she had a beautiful smile "you should get some rest we'll leave early in the morning" Dany nodded she pulled the blanket over top her and fell asleep Ghost slept near her for protection Jon took first watch to make sure no-one would try and harm them it was going to be a long night eventually when it was safe he fell asleep next to her.

It had been Dark and the sounds made it peaceful which is something Jon had enjoyed he woke up suddenly and noticed Dany wasn't there Dany was near the trees she couldn't sleep the nightmares woke her she started to think that she was paying for the sins she had caused she hated herself Jon had approached her "Dany are you okay?" Dany was holding back tears "I'm fine Jon go back to sleep" she was hurting and he could tell  he held her hand "Dany what's wrong?" Daenerys was upset " I keep thinking about the destruction of Kings Landing the deaths I keep paying for my sins and I don't deserve to be Queen or to live after what I've done I'm a monster like my father" she started crying Jon held onto her and looked at her "you listen to me now Daenerys Targaryen you are not a monster you have a good heart and kind and gentle you give a lot you just got lost in the grief and betrayal I don't blame you I've been there and you are not your father okay" he hugged her "come on back to bed" Dany nodded she closed her eyes on the blanket and slow went to sleep.

The Next morning they have traveled beyond the wall until they finally made it towards the FreeFolk Jon was relieved Dany was nervous she looked over the mountain pass "Is that it?" Jon nodded "The Free Folk are just over that ridge come on" he held her hand they were almost there and not a moment too soon but they were surrounded by the Wildlings of the FreeFolk Jon shielded Dany Jon stepped forward and spoke "I don't want no trouble I need to speak to your leader Tormund" a young woman stepped forward "how do you know that name?" Jon was getting nervous "I'm an old friend of his and if I know you you'll keep your word" they lowered their weapons and escorted them to Tormund and pushed them into his tent Jon stayed close towards Dany Tormund approached them "so from what my people tells me you know how" Jon looked at him "we fought during the Battle of WinterFell" Tormund laughed "which one I fought in a-lot of battles in WinterFell" Jon sighed "try the Battle of the undead" Tormund sighed "must of heard that but the hero died along with the Dragon Queen who I respected when folks at WinterFell treated her like shit so I'll ask again who are you" Jon removed his cloak  revealing his identity Tormund was in shock "It can't be Little Crow" he laughed and smiled "but that means your. . ." he suddenly realized  Dany removed her cloak "your grace Jon what's going on?" Jon sighed it's a long story we need your help"

"Meanwhile In Kings Landing" 

Tyrion and Grey Worm had helped rebuild Kings Landing and elected Bran as King of the Six Kingdoms they had kept their promise to the the King and Queen but made sure no-one knew that they were really alive if anyone would find out it would be suicide and then an all out War would start again that is something Daenerys does not want nor does Jon after the election were done Tyrion escorted Grey Worm to White Harbor for his departure "Grey Worm I hoped we did the right thing for Jon and Daenerys" Grey Worm nodded "we had no choice it was either that or watch them die until the threat is over they must go into hiding" Tyrion wondered "For how long?" Grey Worm sighed "For however long it takes Jon did the right thing he saved our Queen they'll be okay have faith but you must not reveal their location if anyone finds out their alive Sansa will start an all out War and believe me you don't want that on your conscious we take this secret to our grave" Tyrion agreed he said goodbye to his friend and headed back inside Kings Landing and prayed Bran would be a good King.

"In the Wildings where the Free Folks"

Jon had explained everything to Tormund about Kings Landing and what was happening and they needed protection he had wondered if he did the right thing by faking their deaths to protect them but Tormund knew better "you did what you had to, to protect yourself and your love she's alive because of you" Jon nodded "Can you help us?" Tormund "it won't be easy living here but if she survived living with the Dothraki than she can adjust to Free Folks ways I'll talk to my people and make sure no-one knows your identity" Jon nodded Tormund was talking to his people about the situation Jon approached Daenerys she had her head scarf on to conceal her identity she knew there was no going back "you doing okay?" Dany nodded "the people here have been most kind and Tormund seems to respect me" Jon nodded "he's one of the few people who accepted you" Dany smiled "if their were more like him the world would be a better place" Tormund returned to them "I have spoken to my people and they agreed to let you live with us and we will keep your identity secret you'll have to learn our ways but I'm sure you can pull your own weight your grace" Dany interrupted "please just call me Dany I prefer you not think of me as a Queen but as an ordinary woman" Tormund nodded he prepared a tent for them Ghost stayed outside most of the time Dany and Jon were busy helping the others Dany had begun learning about herbs and medicine and became a healer Jon a fighter or a warrior of the Free Folks they felt loved and safe by the people but for how long until someone figures it out.

"In WinterFell"

Arya arrived in WinterFell with a message to Sansa "Sansa were getting reports a man and woman joined the Free Folks for survivor and that's not all one's a healer and the other a warrior who knew the Battle of WinterFell" Sansa was shocked hmm they could be a good ally "invite them to WinterFell so they can bend the knee to their Queen, Queen Sansa". 

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