The Council

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"In Pentos" 

Jon had summoned the others to the War room there they would discuss the outcome everyone from every house no longer supported Sansa or Bran the housed called for a war summit in Dragon-stone which everyone was to attend to decide Bran and Sansa fight everyone was nervous including Daenerys and Jon Dany knew Jon hated going up against his family but after what they did Dany and him in the Dragon-pit he no longer could support them nor could Arya who was filled with nothing but rage and hatred.

Tyrion and Davos knew this wasn't going to be easy for them Daenerys knew that too Yara was upset as well she always supported Daenerys from the very beginning "your grace this will not be an easy summit" Dany agreed "you have any advice Yara?" Yara smiled "don't give into your anger they won't respect you for that show them what they did to you as Queen show they that they cannot be trusted" Arya agreed "as long as they pay for what they did to Jon and Daenerys I couldn't care less" Davos and Tyrion nodded Jon looked at them all "we all know what up against be careful let's head out" they all departed separately so they would make it at Dragonstone Daenerys had not been there in a long time it was time to go home.

"Dragonstone War Summit" 

Sansa and Bran along with Brianne, Bronn, Sam, Gilly, and the rest of the Northern men they were waiting for the others to come a few houses did not support what they did Yara Greyjoy arrived with her men and took her seat as Queen Yara looked at them carefully Arya arrived and sat down next to Yara Davos and Tyrion sat near the right Daenerys and Jon arrived with their child in their arms they sat down next to Arya Daenerys had a look of anger in her but Jon had calmed her down with love in his eyes all were waiting for the other council members to arrive the FreeFolk arrived in support of Jon and Daenerys the Council arrived they were respectful "let's get started were here to decide the fate of Sansa Stark and Bran Stark the charges are Treason, endangerment of a child, and attempted murder which you both plead not guilty which I will hear both sides and then render my judgment"

Yara was the first to speak up "council members I met Daenerys in Meereen she and I joined forces to help me become Queen without her I would not be where I am today I followed Daenerys and she got rid of an enemy later had deep regret on the sins she committed Jon and herself had no choice but to go into hiding in which case they were hunted down by these two who were going to burn them at the stake in the Dragon pits" all gasped in horror the council man spoke up "silence" Yara continued "I am Queen of the Iron Islands were not a large house but proud of it my motto and I live by is "what is dead may never be dead and we kill the bastards anyway" Yara sat down the council members thanked her Arya had spoken about how her sister was kind until she changed and tried to kill her brother and her soon to be sister in law and she wanted justice for the pain caused to them Tyrion, Davos, and Grey Worm had spoken how loyal and respected they were towards her during the battle of Winterfell but changed when she went after their Queen and king not to mention putting an innocent child at risk.

The meeting had gone for hours until finally "Your graces would you like to speak?" the council members asked Jon looked at them and stood up "Council members I really don't know what to say other than I've known Sansa when were children she was always different and then when she finally did she hated my existence and always questioned my loyalty when I was King in the North even more so when I became Warden of the North still it was not easy for the Queen and I yes I know faking our death was a crime but we had no choice I did what I had to protect her because I love her and yet she hunted us down that Daenerys would have nightmares and was afraid and she endangered our child I care for my sister but I am not interested in revenge I just ask you show leniency thank you" the council members nodded "Queen Daenerys?" Daenerys handed her daughter to Jon so he could hold her "Council members this child is alive despite everything I had gone through I am not interested in revenge I just want peace for myself for Jon, Arya, and my daughter Rhaella that's all I want" 

House Stark had talked all about the negative of House Targaryen each time the council members had asked them what they had done to them and they could not answer none of them had enough support for their claim they continued to bash everyone but when they disrespected the Queen that's when the others drew a line they stood up for the Queen the Council members were impressed by them Daenerys and Jon were getting tired the council members had left to deliberate their Judgment everyone was all talking at once and they were getting restless Daenerys was holding Rhaella in her arms the council members finally came back and had their finally Judgement this was the final verdict Sansa and Bran and the others looked nervous as did Daenerys and Jon but didn't let it show.

The council members spoke " this has been a difficult decision based on the houses Queen Daenerys I admired your passion and for you to pay for your sins my Queen you have suffered enough both of you which is why I have given you both a full pardon you both can live your lives free Queen Stark King Bran I know coming was not easy but disrespected another house Queen was highly inappropriate and just shows me you cannot be trusted but you did, in fact, hunt them down and you tried to kill them when she was pregnant so we decided to honor their wish both of you are hearby stripped of your ranks "Lady Stark you will return to Winterfell and serve under Lady Brienne until such time you can be trusted as for you young men you will banish from Kings Landing and return to Winterfell to serve out your days and I hope both of you learn your lesson both of you are to have no contact with the Queen and the king or the little princess if you do you will banish from your home understand good this court is adjourned.

Jon and Daenerys were relieved for the first time they could put the past behind them after the war summit was over Jon and Daenerys sailed home they didn't even say goodbye to Sansa and Bran which was reasonable given what they put them through when they returned home all the others were exhausted all were fast asleep including the Queen and King tomorrow would be the day they would pledge their love for one and couldn't wait for it to happen.

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