In Danger

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"In the Wildlings"

During the several months that Jon and Daenerys had been living their lives seem to be peaceful Jon continued to fight for the people without drawing attention everyday he and Tormund along with ghost would go out hunting Daenerys stayed with the women and gave them hope and faith something that they had lost she attended to the injury as a head healer she was getting better with her herbs but she worried she was running low how was she help the people survive during the springtime.

"Back in WinterFell" 

Sansa had ordered Arya to send a message to the Wildlings with her request but Arya told her it wasn't a good idea "Sansa we don't even know who these people are if we sent a message demanding to bend the knee they might not be so kind" one of her guards agreed Sansa was willing to listen "what do you suggest?" Sansa asked "meet them in person so they have no fear" Sansa agreed "then I guess were going towards the Wildlings territory"

Jon had finished his work and met up with Dany she had finished preparing dinner she was happy being with him "its not so bad here huh?" Dany smiled "everyone is very kind but I'm going to need more herbs if we are survive the spring and summer" Jon agreed "I'll go with you tomorrow to look for herbs" Dany agreed and hope it would be enough suddenly they heard a loud noise "what was that?" the people started to panic Tormund quickly ran up to them "Dany Jon we've got trouble Sansa apparently is coming" Dany started to panic Jon held onto her "oh no Tormund!" Tormund nodded "Quickly hide here there was a trap door hidden underneath they climbed down and sealed it behind Dany sat down quietly breathing hard.

Sansa and Arya arrived Tormund looked down at her "Queen Sansa what do I owe the pleasure?" Sansa smiled "Giantsbane I hear you have new survivor guest I'd like to meet them" Tormund "sorry I have no new guest I don't know who told you that but your wasting your time their not here" Sansa and Arya continued to talk while Jon and Daenerys continued hear them talk Dany started to panic "what if they find outs Jon I can't" Jon kissed her Dany kissed him back "guess we better create a diversion" Dany nodded Tormund reassured Sansa and Arya no-one new was not here they decided to leave when the coast was clear they opened the trap door and Dany and Jon climbed out Jon hugged Dany "are they gone?" Tormund nodded "For now but they won't give up we need to move to another location just to be safe they agreed Tormund nodded and smiled at them "we'll leave first thing in the morning" Dany sighed.

that night after everyone went to bed Dany was outside of her tent starring at the sky and the stars listening the the sounds it was peaceful Jon joined wrapping his arms around her "Cant sleep" Dany shook her head "I hope they'll leave us alone" Jon nodded "they will once were far away from here" Dany smiled Jon looked at her and kissed her passionately she moaned in passion "Jon maybe we should wait" Jon looked at her "Is that what you want?" Dany shook her head "no" they continued to kiss passionately he pushed her down towards on top of the blanket they had made love that night Dany and Jon knew it wasn't going to be easy but would try a new life.

The next morning the Wildings packed up their things and head further south they managed to find a place away from the North several months passed Daenerys became a good healer and Jon a good Warden of the South he protected the children and the people the wildlings elected Dany as their Matriarch someone they could follow they chose her and Jon which they gladly excepted it seems like things were looking up for them and the people they just hope they had seen the last of trouble and prayed no-one would find out.

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