The Meetup

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"Near the Southern hemisphere"

Tyrion knew it would be suicide meeting Grey worm in Kings-landing or in Winter-fell he knew the safest area would be in the south were Daenerys and Jon were located with the FreeFolk he knew this was a dangerous game but they both knew the Queen and the King had to moved and soon because Sansa was closing in on their position and they would not watch as they die at her hands.

Grey Worm had arrived with his army of the unsullied and saw Tyrion "Lord Tyrion good to see you though I wish we were meeting on different circumstances" Tyrion agreed "the letter I sent you was real if Sansa finds out who they are were all in grave danger" Grey Worm agreed "we are loyal to our Queen and future King we'll do what we must" Tyrion let him know they'll waiting for them.

"In The FreeFolk tent"

Daenerys and Jon had on their fur coats and their scarfs concealing their identity they were waiting patiently for Tyrion and Grey Worm who were granted an audience with them Tyrion smiled "Giants-bane good to see you again" Tormund smiled "you as well short one" he nodded at Grey Worm who greeted his Queen in Valerian language "it's good to see you old friend" she hugged him he turned to Jon and shook his hand "thank you for keeping her safe" Jon smiled with pride Tyrion smiled at Jon "bastard of Winter-fell" Jon laughed "Lannister dwarf with no titles good to see you again" Tyrion looked at Daenerys and bowed "your grace" Daenerys nodded "its good to see you again my friend" Jon and Daenerys held hands "I take it something has changed" they both nodded Jon and Daenerys invited them into their to the tent to discuss the matter.

Tyrion and Grey Worm went into details that Sansa and Braun knew they were alive Daenerys held onto Jons hand and her stomach which was a huge indicator to Tyrion and Grey Worm Dany was frightened at the thought she didn't want to die Jon was besi...

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Tyrion and Grey Worm went into details that Sansa and Braun knew they were alive Daenerys held onto Jons hand and her stomach which was a huge indicator to Tyrion and Grey Worm Dany was frightened at the thought she didn't want to die Jon was beside himself he had another life to protect too besides Dany's life "are you certain they know who else knows" Tyrion was not sure "no-one besides them and Grey Worm but it won't be long before Arya and the other know and then all hell will break loose" Daenerys stood up holding her stomach "so what do we do to stop it" they were not hopeful Dany was upset "Tyrion I am with child Jon's child we are planning to marry after the baby is born to tell what I need to do to protect my family" Tyrion sighed "the only way is to run your grace" Daenerys knew he was right though she had been running since she was a child.

Jon grabbed her hand "if that's what we have to do then we'll do it" Daenerys nodded "we cannot go to Dorne or High-garden there's a place in Pentos  we would be safe there for now" Tyrion and the others agreed Jon was curious "that's the place where you grew up with your brother Visery's" Dany nodded she didn't have a-lot of fond memories there it was the closet house there she considered home. The wildings agreed to help to get them across safely Tyrion would give them a ship they could travel to get across to Pentos it wouldn't be easy but they would make it.

during the night Jon woke to the sound of fire Tormund came in all of sudden "Jon you and Daenerys get out here now Sansa and the others are here take the path down the river we'll led them off when you do their a ship harbor that will take you straight to Pentos go!" Jon and Daenerys quickly got dressed packed up their stuff and headed towards the river as fast as they could Tormund would held them off but for how long.

"near the river"

 Jon and Daenerys held onto each other Ghost lead the path for them Drogon had flew ahead to Pentos ahead of them they would see him there as soon as they could they came across the river pass but would have walk on the rocks to get across Jon looked at Daenerys "alright walk where I walk here's deep there's shallow" he showed her how to walk they had made it through the other side when ghost growled which sounded like trouble they saw Kings-Landing soldiers Jon and Daenerys panicked they had to do something and fast they manage to hide on the other side of the boulder rock Ghost and Daenerys were scared Jon looked to the other side being very quiet not to make a sound they couldn't go anywhere as long as they were their suddenly Tyrion and Grey Worm distracted them given them way to go on ahead "go your graces" they said Jon pulled Dany up and ran as fast as they could they had come upon the harbor where the captain escorted them on the ship and placed them below deck Daenerys held onto her stomach ghost whimpered and laid his head on her lap near her stomach Jon placed his hand oh her belly they were safe all four of them.

Tyrion and Grey Worm watched as the boat had departed towards Pentos both waved goodbye to them "godspeed your graces godspeed" Grey Worm spoke in Valerian language "be safe my Queen and my King" they prayed and left to return to the chaos.

Sansa looked at Tormund and demanded answers "I'll ask again where are they?" Tormund "look lady Stark I don't who your talking about but my people and I really don't appreciate you starting a war against my people and nearly slaughter them" Sansa smiled "answer me one question where are the Dragon Queen and the White Wolf?" Tyrion spoke up "their not here your grace maybe they were but they must of god wind you were coming and left" Grey Worm nodded Arya was in disbelief they could get away "where are they?" Grey Worm "they could be anywhere in the world your grace" Arya agreed "Sansa it would twice as long to find them until we know exactly where they are it be a waste of time" Braun "they tell the truth though he told fib" Sansa agreed and decided to depart "mark my words I will find them and make sure they burn in hell!" Arya was shocked by this and spoke to Tyrion "do you know where they are?" Tyrion shook his head but Arya knew better she would have to find them and bring forth justice.

Jon had watched over Daenerys as she slept on the bed Ghost was near here protecting her and the baby he knew she was in good hands he placed a blanket over top of them put his head scarf on and went above deck on the ship the captain had greeted him "how's the Queen doing?" Jon smiled "she's resting like she hasn't done in a long time" the captain smiled "she'll be fine she's a survivor Daenerys came aboard with ghost an hour later "hey" Jon smiled at her "hey " he kissed you feeling better she nodded Ghost whined Jon laughed "okay your special too and thanks for protecting them" "Land ho!" the captain yelled Jon and Daenerys held each others hands they were landing on their destination Pentos was a small city where nobody knew anybody so they would be safe their for the moment.

"Back In KingsLanding"

Arya mapped every location she had to look in she would have to make two stops one on "the Iron Islands" where Yara presided on and two in Winter-fell near Sea-worth house where Davos lived maybe they could give them answers she needed and fast.    

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